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Now That My Crystal Ball Was Right For This Year’s Match, How Competitive Will Radiology Be Next Year?

crystal ball

For those of you that read my recent article during the interview season called From The Trenches! How Competitive Is Diagnostic Radiology For The 2021 Match?, you will know that my crystal ball was on target. Just take a look at the following NRMP match statistics to confirm my suspicions. If you look at the percent American MD and DO slots filled and add them up, that number is slightly higher than last year compared to the previous year. Then take a look at my prediction at the end of the blog; you will see the following statement: ” based on the secondary statistics, I see a similar to slightly increased match competitiveness for radiology.” Well, it just about matches!

Some people say that a broken clock is always right twice a day. But, I like to think that I do know a little something based on my pseudoscience. Now that I have established some street cred, the big question is, how does the crystal ball line up for next year? Well, my tarot cards project some changes over the next several years. And what will they be? So let me give you some of the reasons for my final opinion on next year’s match and then I will conclude after I sum it all up!

It Will Take A Few More Years For The Pandemic Effects To Settle Into The Medical Students Consciousness

News from the current radiology market tends to settle down into the medical school statistics several years after the fact. Why? Because medical students that have already decided to go for a particular subspecialty don’t like to change specialties right before the match. Therefore, whatever slight trends have occurred the year before, will tend to increase over the coming years. These trends include desirable radiology features like relatively more minor patient contact than other subspecialties (a positive in a pandemic) and a more remarkable ability to work from home than other medical specialties. Based on this theory, I expect more medical students to continue the upward trend of competitiveness for a radiology residency. We are in a positive feedback loop!

Zoom- The Crystal Ball Says The Trend Continues Allowing More Students Than Ever To Interview

We are in a period where the initial zoom interview is replacing the standard live interview. It’s just that much easier and cheaper to screen candidates. That fact also makes it much easier for candidates to take interviews that they may not have previously encountered before. It’s no big sweat to interview from your screen. But, it’s a major ordeal to travel two thousand miles by plane and car to arrive at your destination. So, we will continue to see a higher percentage of candidates interview at more institutions.

More Emphasis On Lifestyle/Flexibility

One of my colleagues recently polled graduating radiologists from want-ads. More than ever before, more new radiologists want the ability to do more work from home. Many new radiologists expect that they will not have to come into work to cover injections, perform procedures, or collect histories from patients. It has become a turn-off for some new radiologists to do anything at the hospital. I expect a similar trend to ensue over the next several years. And, radiology is one of those few specialties that can accommodate these sorts of candidates.

Artificial Intelligence Is Not The Sea-Changer It Was Expected To Be

It’s been 5-10 years since the artificial intelligence revolution had begun in earnest. And, what are the sharp changes that we have seen in the practice of radiology yet? Not as many as the pundits initially projected! Sure, we have some great triage tools, mammo CAD, lung nodule CAD, and improvements in software for reading CTs, PETs, and MRI. But has it changed the day-to-day work that much yet? Not at all. As usual, the folks in Silicon valley overmarketed their technologies to increase sales. But, it doesn’t necessarily amount to definite real-world changes in the practice of radiology. The replacement of radiologists is a far-off prophecy. It will remain that way for some time. And, medical students are beginning to understand the same!

So, What Does My Crystal Ball Say For The Next Year?

Well, if you can’t figure it out, re-read the previous four paragraphs! I am relatively bullish on the competitiveness of radiology in the NRMP match. My crystal ball sees continued increases in the quality and number of applications over the coming several years. What can stop this bullish trend? Lots of things! But, if I were an applicant now, I would have many more reasons to apply to radiology than several years before.

But remember this. Usually, periods that the match is more competitive are less valuable for the same applicants when they get out in the job market. The competitiveness and radiology market are highly cyclical. So, you may find yourself in a downdraft once you graduate or not! Regardless, as always, it is more important to apply to a subspecialty that you like. And even though I think radiology is the bomb, make sure that when you send your applications out, it is the specialty that you want!




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Can I Use Psychiatry As A Clinical Year Before Starting Radiology?


Question About Psychiatry Clinical Year

Hi Dr. Julius,

I initially matched into Psychiatry residency. However, I decided that Psychiatry was not for me and left after an intern year (which included two months of IM wards, one month of outpatient medicine, two months of Neuro, one month of ER, and six months of inpatient Psych) to serve as a GP for four years in the Air Force. I now plan to apply to Radiology. Will I be expected to repeat my intern year?



You posed an interesting dilemma about using psychiatry as a clinical year. If you look at the Radiology ACGME statement, which is as follows:

To be eligible for appointment to the program, residents must have successfully completed a prerequisite year of direct patient care in a program that satisfies the requirements in III.A.2. in emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, surgery or surgical specialties, the transitional year, or any combination of these.

This statement does consider psychiatry as an appropriate substitute for an internship year. However, it appears that you did spend a good chunk of the year on clinical care.

So, I would recommend the following: Give the ACGME a call and determine if you could count that year toward the program requirement (especially since you did have substantial non-psych months). On occasion, they do grant exceptions if you could prove that you spent the year performing direct clinical care. It’s worth a try.

If they approve only part of a year, that could be a problem. Why? Because it leaves you with half a year that you still need to complete. It may be hard to find a residency slot to fill up half a year of requirements only. Nevertheless, you never know what they will say. I would be interested to know how it turns out!


Barry Julius, MD


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Seven Ways Administration Can Destroy A Radiology Residency Program


Like it or not, all radiology programs need the backing of their administrators to succeed. Unless faculty and residents want to pay for residency out of their own pockets and manage all the day-to-day issues themselves, it is the only way to survive. So, with all this power in the hands of the administrators, it is no wonder that they can direct a residency in ways they see fit. And they can use their power for the good of the program or to the detriment of everyone. So, if you are wondering how the administration can pull strings to destroy a radiology residency program, here are the top seven ways!

Lack Of Financial Support

Unfortunately, a residency cannot run itself without money. Whether it is the reading resources, Radexam, equipment, or teaching, all these line items cost money. If the administration takes all the money for themselves and is unwilling to cough it up for the residency program, a residency cannot continue functioning.

Lack Of Human Resources

It’s not all about equipment and stuff. It would help if you also had the workforce to make a residency function. These folks include program directors, residency coordinators, faculty, statisticians, and more. If you can’t hire or maintain these folks, you may as well pack it all in!

Unrealistic Expectations By The Administration

We all want the best for our residents. But, when administrators expect to create an academic powerhouse but are unwilling to hire the proper faculty, or if you want a class of incredible residents but are not willing to pay for the latest and greatest equipment and technology, do not expect to create a residency that will function!

Administration Culture Clash/Backseat Driving

Administrators and faculty often have different ideas about how to run a program. Just because you, as an administrator, provide the funds to operate a radiology residency doesn’t mean you can control everything. For instance, recruiting residents from only certain institutions because you get a kickback doesn’t work.

And, just because you, as a radiologist or program director, think you know everything about running a residency doesn’t mean you know enough about managing a program’s business. Spending money without controls can lead to poor hospital financial outcomes. Either side pulling all the strings can lead to a disaster!

No Backup For Program Directors/Department

To maintain respectability within an institution, program directors need support from their administration. They may encounter problems getting a statistician to help residents with studies to meet the requirements of the ACGME. Perhaps there are conflicts with another department overstepping its bounds and using radiology residents for non-educational purposes. In either case, the administration must back up the program directors and radiology department to maintain the department.

Unwilling To Update Old Equipment To Save A Buck

Yes, institutions do like to keep that ancient CT scanner or MRI. Why? Well, it becomes a cash cow when it is all paid off. No more hardware expenses mean higher profit margins. But there comes a time when you are just out-of-date and can’t keep up with the competition. And guess what? That also affects the residency. Residents don’t get the training they need, and fewer patients come to the institution because they don’t get the advanced imaging they need!

Loathe To Adopt New Technologies- Too Many Hoops

Sometimes, you need to adopt new technologies, but there is so much bureaucracy that you can never push the capital budget through. Perhaps the administration makes it so hard to obtain the correct paperwork. Or maybe they only meet in committee once every six months and are not quick to decide. In any event, if you snooze, you lose!

Yes, Administration Can Destroy A Radiology Residency Program!

Radiology residency programs are only as good as their weakest link. And if that link is the administration, the whole residency can fall apart. Whether the issues are financial, cultural, or bureaucratic, each factor can result in the program’s demise. So, when you choose a training program, make sure to look into who administers it!



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How To Pull Your Weight As A Radiologist!

pull your weight

You may not know it, but hiring a lazy radiologist is one of the biggest disasters a practice can encounter. Practices spend much time and money getting their new employees up to speed. The last thing you want to be is to have to pull your weight in addition to someone else. And you want to avoid being seen as one of these lackadaisical radiologists. Why? First of all, your job can be in jeopardy. Even worse, you will lead an unsatisfying work life fraught with the anger of your co-workers. And you will most likely miss out on the perks of becoming a senior practice member. So, how do you avoid this reputation and pull your weight? Here are some tips for holding your own!

Don’t Cherry Pick

If you want to anger your colleagues and establish a lazy reputation, this is the best way. It doesn’t take long for others to realize that you are taking all the easy-peasy cases and leaving all the tough ones out there for others to suffer.

Follow Through On Your Word

Imagine working with someone who says they will help with an overflow of cases and then decides to pack it in when the clock strikes 5 PM. Or, how would it feel to trade worksites with someone else only to have that person not show up as they said? These workers leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Just follow through on your word!

Take That One Extra Case At The End Of The Day To Pull Your Weight

I’ve written about this before (click the link above!). But, it is true that if you help by taking that one extra case at the end of the day, it can make all the difference for the rest of your colleagues. As opposed to establishing a bad reputation, this kind-hearted technique will put you in everyone’s good graces!

Pull Your Weight By Dictating Leftovers

Most practices have a list of cases that can go untouched for what seems like eons. These may be cases with QA issues, incomplete imaging, or other miscellaneous issues. If you take charge of some of these cases that everyone else ignores, the practice will deem you a hero. Who wants to avoid working with a radiologist who takes charge of the worklist?

Don’t Argue Over Minutia: Who Should Do This Or That?

Yes. Every practice has rules of etiquette that dictate who should read what and when. But, in some cases, the boundaries are crossed. Don’t be that radiologist who refuses to help because the technologist completed the case after your shift time ends by thirty seconds. Just read the study!

Don’t Let Cases Bleed Over To The Next Shift- Pre-dictate!

In some cases, they need to wait for the subsequent radiologist on shift, but many don’t. Be cautious about not pre-dictating studies that you know will have to return for delays, such as questionable diverticulitis. You don’t want the work from your shift to bleed into the next. It shows respect to your colleagues that you are willing to do the work!

Pull Your Weight!

It’s sometimes easy to let things slide when you are tired and want to go home. But others have to complete any work that you still need to complete. So, as a young radiologist, don’t garner the reputation of laziness. Heed some of the recommendations above, and you will become a well-appreciated member of a radiology team!

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What Electives Are The Most Marketable?


Question About The Most Marketable Electives

Hello Dr. Julius,

I’m having difficulty deciding what electives to do during my last year of radiology residency. I will be doing a fellowship in body imaging, and I’m considering finding a job in a private practice (outpatient, ER, private hospital). I have a total of six electives. I thought of three neuro, two MSK, and one mammo versus three MSK, two Neuro, and one mammo. What would you recommend? What would make me more marketable?

I appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot for all the info you’ve provided us!




Your marketability will depend on multiple factors. But, the specific number of each of the rotations you provided is not so critical. More importantly, you should feel comfortable in whatever areas you want to practice when you finish your residency program outside of your fellowship.

For example, you may have done a lot of mammo before coming to fellowship. So, in that case, I would opt to do that elective less. Or, if you are weaker in MSK and are interested in practicing in that area as a radiologist, go for it. Each elective you choose should help you when you leave the academic world and start a real-world radiology job. And, if you want to be more creative, you can check out my previous blog on creating electives as a senior!

Let your experiences and desires to practice different subspecialties dictate which ones you should choose as an elective. At most job interviews, they are usually not going to delve into the details of how many rotations you have done. But they might ask you about mini-fellowships (since they are all the rage!). And they are surely going to ask you what you feel comfortable reading!


I hope this helps,

Barry Julius, MD




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New Radiologist? Don’t Go Over the Head of Your Boss!

your boss

For many of you, working as a radiologist will be your first full-time job. You are finally going to enter the real world. And, if you have not worked outside the world of training and education, you may be in for a few surprises. First of all, most practices’ mission is very different from your residencies, medical schools, and universities. Your boss will no longer be a teaching physician. Instead of educating students, your first position’s goal is most likely good patient care and earning a living.

Additionally, some of the rules and regulations you will need to follow along the way are also not the same. And many of these rules are unwritten. One of the biggest faux pas of new radiologists is going straight to the top without consulting your boss in the chain of command. Of course, sometimes, there are extenuating circumstances. But, for the most part, it does not serve your needs. Let’s go through some of the reasons why!

Hard Feelings

First and foremost, most bosses don’t like it when a senior manager tells them what to do when they could have managed the situation by themselves. Say, for instance, you decided to go directly to your chairman instead of the chief of nuclear medicine to tell her about an unruly technologist that yells at patients. And then the chairman decides to deal with the issue. Well, you are leaving the chief of nuclear medicine out of the equation. How do you think your boss would feel if the chairperson decides on the matter without consulting your boss. Or if she consults with your boss without you involved. Either way, you may cause a bit of bad blood in the department. That is poor communication!

People At The Top Often Don’t Have Time For All The Details

As y0u go higher up the chain of command, many leaders have much less time to deal with the day-to-day clinical work. Many chairpersons deal more with hiring and firing, salaries and negotiations, and budgetary issues rather than taking care of the daily needs in your ultrasound section. And, they have meetings and work that takes them away from your world. Why would you ask someone with less time to help you? The best person to ask if you are having an issue with an ultrasound machine is more likely to get an answer with the chief of ultrasound instead of a radiology chairman! Moreover, your direct boss usually has more time to deal with the situation.

Your Boss Knows More About Your Position

Your direct boss knows much more about what you do than the hospital president or the CEO of your private practice. Going directly to that person in charge will much more likely give you the answers you need than someone dealing with the business’s general issues. It’s always best to go to the source that knows what you do.

Builds A Better Relationship With Your Boss

Finally, you want to get to know your boss better? Well, the best way to do so is to communicate with him. Asking your senior questions when issues arise shows that you trust their opinions and feel like they are a valuable part of the team. What is a better way to build good relationships in your department?

Don’t Go Straight To The Top Unless Necessary!

There is a chain of command for a reason. Breaking it can cause undo hard feelings, give you the wrong answers, and prevent you from building better relationships within your department. So, think twice if you need a problem that you need to solve by going too far above the chain of command unless necessary. The outcomes may not be what you desire!



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Presumptions About Our Radiology Colleagues Can Sow The Seeds Of Destruction!


First and foremost, radiologists are people. And, people make presumptions about others, whether it is colleagues, leaders, or friends. It’s just human nature. However, it is also one of the biggest mistakes that one can make in business, particularly in private radiology practice. We all think that we know what kind of job our colleagues do. And, we base many of these stereotypes on miscommunication and pure conjecture. All this can lead to bad blood and, even worse, lousy practice outcomes. So, let’s go through the main reasons why presuming to know our fellow radiologist’s job is so dangerous to the practice and business of radiology?

Ways That Presumptions Damage A Practice

You Do Less Than Me!

If you like toxicity, this unfounded statement can spread the most venom to the rest of your colleagues. And, most of the time, it is not valid. Everyone does work a bit differently. So, work can be hard to quantify.

Moreover, this statement decreases everyone’s incentive to work. Who wants to work when everyone else does less? Of course, maybe there is one outlier in your practice that does a lot less. But, if you are always going to worry about everyone else, what is the incentive for you to work?

The Work They Do At The Other Practice Down The Street Isn’t Hard.

You can never tell for sure how hard work that some other practice is doing is difficult or not. Indeed, it is even worse to make that presumption. Has your practice ever tried starting a thriving vein center? It’s effortless to create one for yourself. Well, there is probably a lot more to the process than you think. Without doing the research, this assumption is a surefire way to lose a lot of money and time, not being prepared for the work you will need to succeed!

Presumptions That Administrative And Teaching Roles Are Not Real Work

This one is a real doozie. Almost every program director throughout the country has been the brunt of this presumption at one time or another. Yes, we are not constantly pumping out RVUs. But instead, we are teaching, fielding all the requests and complaints, and completing all the paperwork. A residency can fall apart without these services. It is not the same as reading films, but yes, it is real work!

MR, IR, Nuclear Medicine, Mammo, Etc. Are Easy

One way to get into trouble, presume that other radiologist’s area of expertise is simple. You don’t know until you work in the field. Think mammo is easy? Wait until your first lawsuit? And, MRI is not complex, right? Just wait until you miss your first subtle neural tumor. Every field has its challenges. And, each needs a lot of practice to become good at it!

It Doesn’t Matter That He Has The Ear Of The Referrer; I Work Harder

It’s not always just about the amount of work that you do. It is also about the perceived quality of your work. That radiologist that always gets phone calls to consult with referrers? There is probably a reason for that! Maybe he’s just friendly. But maybe, just maybe, he knows a lot. And perhaps he knows a lot more than you! You lose his expertise, and you start losing patients from your practice. It doesn’t matter how hard you work!

Presumptions About Our Radiology Colleagues: Sowing The Seeds Of Destruction!

Yes, presuming to know what your friends down the hall do on a day-to-day basis is fraught with danger. And, you probably know less than you think you do about your colleague’s issues. So, if you want to take this path, be very wary of the dangers above. It’s a surefire way to add to a toxic workplace!


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Can High Step III USMLE Scores Compensate For A Bad Step I And Step II?

step III

Question About Step III USMLE Scores:


Would an excellent Step III score offset bad Step I and Step II scores? My Step I was 226, and my Step II was 219. Thank you!



You have posted an interesting question. But, first, let’s talk about your scores. Your scores are not in the “bad” category. Typically, at our institution, a score of 226 on Step I can get you a foot in the door for an interview if everything else is OK. The step II score was a bit more marginal. But, the Step I score has shown that you have the potential to pass the core exam.

I agree that if diagnostic radiology becomes more competitive and institutions continue to use them for selection screening, they may slightly raise the bar. (although the score for Step I will be disappearing) That could make your scores not cross the threshold for acceptance for interviews. But, for now, I think many programs would accept those scores.

A Strange Situation Indeed

First of all, what is interesting, strangely enough, is that in the 12 years of working as an associate residency director, I have never seen the situation where both Step I and Step II are below 220 and step III is around 250 or so. And, I think I have a sneaking suspicion why.

First, very few people who score lower than the Step I and Step II thresholds will ever ace the exam in Step III. Additionally, we typically use cut-offs of 220 for either Step I or Step II. So, Step III is usually not on the radar because many residents typically don’t take this exam as “seriously and therefore we, as faculty, don’t either.” Why? Because the folks taking the exam are traditionally interns that don’t have as much time to study for it. So, the scores are not so critical. Instead, typically we care only that the resident has passed the Step III exam.

It’s Not About The Exam Itself

Again, to remind you, I am not a big fan of any of the USMLE exams. However, it is one of a few items that correlate with good core exam outcomes in radiology. And good core exam outcomes affect residency credentialing. So, unfortunately, all this talk about scores has nothing to do with being a good radiologist. Instead, it has only to do with the probability of becoming a board-certified radiologist. And, therefore, we are forced to use these scores as a screening tool for interviews.

Final Determination About Step III

In brief, to answer your question, Step III is the least influential of all the USMLE exams for receiving interviews. An excellent step III score will most likely not compensate for feeble Step I and II scores (which yours are not!)

I hope that answered your question,

Barry Julius, MD

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Reasons To Check In With Faculty Early In The Morning!

check in

Radiology residency programs differ widely in the independence that they allow their residents. Some let their residents do most procedures almost entirely by themselves. And others are more stingy with giving permission. Regardless of your situation, however, it is critical to check in with your scheduled cases before the day begins with your attending as a young learning physician. These include rotations, especially fluoroscopy and interventional radiology. And it’s not just to say hi! It is excellent for education and patient care. Let me give you multiple reasons why.

Getting A Good History- Filling In The Gaps

Sometimes residents either do not know the right questions to ask. Or other times, radiologists may have discussed the case with the ordering physician already. Each of these different circumstances provides information that the resident does not already have. These critical facts can change the direction of the case. For instance, if you already know that a patient is here for dysphagia, you would perform an esophagram that would critically analyze the upper esophagus instead of mainly the stomach or duodenum. Why not check in with your attending to confirm what is going on?

Increase Learning

By going over the schedule with your faculty in the morning, attendings will most likely discuss the disease entity that you will need to know. All this discussion is the best way to reinforce what you have already learned. Even better, it is a great way to introduce you to new topics and issues you may face when performing the case. And, it’s an easier way to learn what you may need to know for the boards.

Check-In For The Collaboration

Working with your attendings allows you to get to know them better. A team-based approach is usually better than going at it alone. Teamwork usually leads to a better relationship over the year. Who knows? Maybe, you will eventually ask this faculty member for a recommendation!

Attending May Not Realize Case Is On The Worklist

Sometimes cases can get lost, even on PACS systems nowadays. Accession numbers and MRI numbers can be incorrect. Or, the tech can batch a case on the wrong worklist accidentally. By going over the morning case, your attending now knows what she can expect on the wordlist during the day. And, if it is not there (for whatever reason), either you or your faculty can look into it. It is one surefire way to make sure that the case does not slip through the cracks!

Performing Studies The Way The Faculty Likes It

Every faculty member likes cases done in different ways. Some may want a few extra views of the stomach on an upper GI series. Others expect a thorough workup of the esophagus. Regardless, you will now precisely know precisely what you should do before even starting the case. All this diligence prevents the attending from bringing the case back and ensuring that you perform it appropriately. In the end, it is your attending’s name on the report and takes full responsibility for everything you do!

Check-In With Your Faculty First Thing In The Morning

It is more than just lip service to check in with your attending in the morning. Checking in serves many practical purposes, including getting better and more valid information, learning about diseases, preventing cases from falling through the cracks, and ensuring you complete the procedure correctly. So, pick up the phone or stop by your attending’s office. And let your faculty know what is on the schedule before starting. It is an excellent way to augment learning and improve patient care!



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Should You Take A Phone Call From A Physician Outside Your Residency System?

phone call

Picture this scenario. It is 2 a.m., and you get a phone call from a doctor at an outside hospital not associated with your residency. The doctor asks about a patient previously admitted under one of the radiology faculty at your institution. This faculty member also has privileges at another site, but your residency program is not affiliated with this other imaging center. He prompts you to try to contact the faculty member to do the procedure at the other hospital. If you comply with the phone call demands, it will take time away from reading cases while you take call. What do you do?

Many of you may have encountered a situation such as this one. And, you might think there is a simple answer. Of course, you should help out a fellow clinician in need, right? But, in fact, many issues should come into play before making this final decision. So, let’s go through these factors and come up with a balanced answer to this question. Let’s tackle this problem from three different angles: patient care, the hospital/residency perspective, and the financial/legal perspective. Then, we will come up with a final conclusion on how to deal with this scenario.

The Patient Care Perspective

From a patient care perspective, as long as you can verify that the physician calling is truly a physician, helping out a fellow clinician could potentially benefit the patient the clinician is calling about. However, while trying to get in touch with your radiologist, you are distracted from the work you have at hand. You may be delaying all the CT scans, ultrasounds, and more that need to get read at nighttime. So, in terms of patient care, answering the phone call may at best be a wash in terms of fulfilling your duties.

The Hospital/Residency Perspective

On the other hand, you are also providing a service to an outside doctor, not in your job description. You are supposed to be taking care of patients at your institution, not other sites. Moreover, the hospital and the federal government pays you to take care of patients at this site. Answering the phone call for the convenience of an outside attending is outside your job purview.

Additionally, from the residency perspective, taking extraneous phone calls is not helping you in your training. Nor does this phone call count as service duty. Therefore, taking this phone and performing this service runs counter to what you should be doing at nighttime.

The Financial/Legal Perspective

Your malpractice insurance does not cover you if you are taking care of patients outside the institution. Let’s say you can’t get in touch with the faculty member to take care of this patient. But, you have promised to get in touch with him. Now, in a sense, you are taking responsibility for a case outside your institution. You have some obligation toward the doctor that called, the patient that needs care, and the faculty member that you need to call. If something goes wrong with these entities’ connections, the law can hold you partially liable theoretically. And, the residency does not insure you for that!

What To Do With The Outside Phone Call?

You have one reason to respond to this outside physician’s request (“to be helpful”), and you have multiple additional patient care, residency, and financial/legal reasons not to get involved. So, what is the best course of action? Based on these reasons, you need to make it the hospital’s responsibility to get the doctor’s information. Refer the doctor to the operator or the help desk!

In a perfect world, we can help out everyone. But, there are costs and benefits to everything we do. Sometimes, initially, the seemingly most logical and straightforward answers are not the best!