You may not know it, but hiring a lazy radiologist is one of the biggest disasters a practice can encounter. Practices spend much time and money getting their new employees up to speed. The last thing you want to be is to have to pull your weight in addition to someone else. And you want to avoid being seen as one of these lackadaisical radiologists. Why? First of all, your job can be in jeopardy. Even worse, you will lead an unsatisfying work life fraught with the anger of your co-workers. And you will most likely miss out on the perks of becoming a senior practice member. So, how do you avoid this reputation and pull your weight? Here are some tips for holding your own!
Don’t Cherry Pick
If you want to anger your colleagues and establish a lazy reputation, this is the best way. It doesn’t take long for others to realize that you are taking all the easy-peasy cases and leaving all the tough ones out there for others to suffer.
Follow Through On Your Word
Imagine working with someone who says they will help with an overflow of cases and then decides to pack it in when the clock strikes 5 PM. Or, how would it feel to trade worksites with someone else only to have that person not show up as they said? These workers leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Just follow through on your word!
Take That One Extra Case At The End Of The Day To Pull Your Weight
I’ve written about this before (click the link above!). But, it is true that if you help by taking that one extra case at the end of the day, it can make all the difference for the rest of your colleagues. As opposed to establishing a bad reputation, this kind-hearted technique will put you in everyone’s good graces!
Pull Your Weight By Dictating Leftovers
Most practices have a list of cases that can go untouched for what seems like eons. These may be cases with QA issues, incomplete imaging, or other miscellaneous issues. If you take charge of some of these cases that everyone else ignores, the practice will deem you a hero. Who wants to avoid working with a radiologist who takes charge of the worklist?
Don’t Argue Over Minutia: Who Should Do This Or That?
Yes. Every practice has rules of etiquette that dictate who should read what and when. But, in some cases, the boundaries are crossed. Don’t be that radiologist who refuses to help because the technologist completed the case after your shift time ends by thirty seconds. Just read the study!
Don’t Let Cases Bleed Over To The Next Shift- Pre-dictate!
In some cases, they need to wait for the subsequent radiologist on shift, but many don’t. Be cautious about not pre-dictating studies that you know will have to return for delays, such as questionable diverticulitis. You don’t want the work from your shift to bleed into the next. It shows respect to your colleagues that you are willing to do the work!
Pull Your Weight!
It’s sometimes easy to let things slide when you are tired and want to go home. But others have to complete any work that you still need to complete. So, as a young radiologist, don’t garner the reputation of laziness. Heed some of the recommendations above, and you will become a well-appreciated member of a radiology team!