Case Of The Week For 8/30/2020
History: Headache
Describe the findings: Groundglass left expansile non-aggressive osseous lesion adjacent to the left frontal sinus.
What is the most likely diagnosis? Fibrous dysplasia.
What should you do next? No further workup unless symptoms are referable to the same location.
Case Of The Week For 8/23/2020
History: Reflux
What is the finding on the esophagram? Posterior smoothly margination impression on the mid esophagus.
Based on the CT findings, what is the most likely cause for the esophagram finding? A crossing vessel, most likely a hemiazygous vein.
Case Of The Week For 8/16/2020
History: Pelvic mass.
What are the key findings in the pelvis? Cystic density nonhypermetabolic right adnexal mass.
What is the differential diagnosis? Benign or malignant nonhypermetabolic ovarian neoplasm. Atpyical peritoneal cyst. Other adnexal cystic nonhypermetabolic metastases.
What should you tell the referring physician to do next? Nonhypermetabolic lesions can still be malignant. Further workup with pelvic ultrasound or pelvic MRI recommended.
Case Of The Week For 8/9/2020
History: Shortness of breath.
What is the difference between the studies? The first study is an inspiratory chest CT scan. The second study is an expiratory chest CT scan.
What is the diagnosis that may explain the symptoms? Tracheomalacia (Greater than 50% narrowing of the trachea on expiratory CT scan with convex bowing of the posterior wall)
Case Of The Week For 8/2/2020
History: Blurry vision.
What are the findings? Enlargement of the extraocular muscles with relative sparing of the lateral rectus
What is the most likely diagnosis? Thyroid ophthalmopathy.