This Week’s Case of the Week From 3/31/19
History: Status post renal transplant
What are the most likely diagnoses? ATN/renal tubular dysfunction/delayed leak/urinoma
What should you do next? Confirm with anatomic imaging as seen on CT scan below.
First 20 minutes

History: Knee pain.
What is the most likely diagnosis? Prepatellar bursitis
How should it be treated? Mostly noninvasively with rest and NSAIDS. If refractory, can be drained and treated with corticosteroids. If infected can treat with antibioticsThis Week’s Case of the Week From 3/17/19:History: History of rectal cancer.
What is the radiopharmaceutical? F-18-FDG
What are the findings? Focal uptake at the rectum. Uptake at the uterine cavity.
What are the most likely diagnoses? Residual localized rectal cancer. Normal variant premenopausal uterine endometrial uptake.
This Week’s Case of the Week from 3/10/19: