April 2021 Cases Of The Week

Case of the week from 4/25/21

History: Foot mass
What are the findings? Circumscribed oval mass near the plantar tendons of the foot, isointense to muscle on T1 and bright on T2.
What is the differential diagnosis? Most likely differential diagnosis is Schwannoma vs. Ganglion Cyst.
What should you recommend next? Contrast enhanced MRI of the foot to differentiate between a mass and a cyst. (Schwannomas avidly enhance)












































































































Case of the week from 4/18/21

History: Double vision after an accident 1 year ago.
What are the findings? Left inferior orbital defect containing fat and minimal inferior rectus muscle.  Consider old inferior orbital wall fracture with mild entrapment.
What should you tell the ordering physician? Findings consistent with old inferior wall fracture of the left orbit with possible partial entrapment of the muscle. Consider as cause for patient’s symptoms of double vision.


Case of the week from 4/11/21

History: History of lung cancer.
What is the most likely radiopharmaceutical? FDG (PET-CT scan)
What is the finding/most likely diagnosis? Left mandibular dental disease/cavity. (normal variant lingual tonsillar uptake)

















































































Case of the week from 4/4/21

History: Breast cancer.
Eye test: Find the osseous lesions! Check out the bone scan below (right proximal humeral sclerotic and left posterior acetabular sclerotic lesions). The left proximal femoral lesion is below the CT field of view!