Question About Fellowship Quality:
Hi Dr. Julius,
I have a follow-up question on fellowship.
My situation is a little tricky. My wife just started a three-year fellowship, as I’m beginning my R4. Having a kid, I would hate to leave my family, and there’s no big-name program where I can do my fellowship within a driving distance. So, I signed up for a body fellowship in an excellent facility. However, it does not have a shiny name. Do you think it makes a big difference in the long run if I did my fellowship now, in this place, vs. after completion of my wife’s fellowship at an Ivy League Program?
Confused About Fellowships
Thanks for the excellent question!
In general, fellowship quality trumps name. Why? It is more important that you feel comfortable in the subspecialty you have chosen and have learned what you need to know to become a well-rounded subspecialist radiologist. However, in a depressed job market or regions with stiff competition for jobs, sometimes name recognition does help. Also, academic places tend to weigh name recognition a bit higher. So, the more critical question is: Where do you ultimately plan to practice? If you plan on staying in a more rural area, it probably does not matter one lick. More so, in today’s market, even on the coasts, name recognition does not carry as much weight as it did five years ago. However, if you plan to practice in academia or Manhattan/San Francisco, it probably does.
Another item to remember, it is always possible to complete a second fellowship later on down the road if you wanted additional experience. (unlike residency) So, I don’t think it is a bad idea to complete this fellowship now and come back later to do another one if you decided on a career with more stiff competition.
Hope this aids in your quest,
Barry Julius, MD