Current radiology resident, just finishing up the intern year, with concerns whether I’m cut out for this. I was a miracle match: Low MCAT scores. Pretty much barely passed all shelf exams. I’m not a good test taker.
Am I smart enough to be doing this, or am I kidding myself? If I fail this crazy 80% pass rate core exam, will they fire me? And then what will I do?
Any advice, uplifting stories, anything would be appreciated. Should I transfer out now? Or, should I stick it out and see if I can pull out another miracle? I don’t want to ruin my life here.
First of all, you need to separate the following two issues, being a good radiologist and being a good test taker. I know of excellent radiologists who have had to take the core exam or the oral boards with multiple attempts to pass. So, don’t confuse taking tests with being “smart.” It is an entirely distinct skill from working as a radiologist. Moreover, don’t count yourself out. You may find that you are a better test taker than you think when you study material that is more relevant to your future career. You never know; maybe you’ll even pass on the first attempt.
Also, no program should fire you for failing a core examination if you are a good resident. Residencies should be looking at other characteristics other than the core exam and test-taking skills to assess their residents. If you do well in your residency, it should go noticed by your program directors and faculty regardless of your testing scores. No one test will ever be the judge of your abilities. And, if needed, you can retake the exam until you finally pass.
Finally, I don’t think you need another miracle. You have already accomplished a challenging feat, getting into a radiology residency program. It will just take a bit of hard work, grit, and determination over the next four years to do a good job and get to the next phase of your career!
Barry Julius, MD