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When Should I Change My Search Pattern?

search pattern

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying, “change is the only constant in life.” And that concept also extends to how radiologists should commit to a search pattern. Yes, I have stated that you should affix your search patterns so that you make sure to remember to go through all parts of a study. Of course, we don’t want to forget about the images and organs that we need to report. However, every once in awhile the tide changes and we do need to modify our search strategies to incorporate new information.

Sometimes, protocols change. And other times, how you report disease can vary. Now, that does not mean that you should entirely forego your old search pattern. Instead, you can consider adding the new concept to your old one. Based on this thought process, let’s give you some examples of how and when I have accommodated a new change in my search patterns over my career lifetime. Hopefully, these modifications will provide a better idea of when you should make the change as well.

Coronal/Sagittal imaging

Believe it or not, CT scans at one time were only imaged and reconstructed in the axial plane. In fact, there was a big uproar when we decided to add these images to our studies. The techs, administration, and radiologists said there would be too many images to look at and store. But, it turned out that these reconstructions are critical for the interpretation of CT studies. Often, the appendix only shows up well on the coronal images. And, you can have a challenging time catching many sorts of vertebral body fractures on the axial view. Additionally, I’ve seen a few renal and colon masses that you could only pick up on the coronal view. Scary stuff if you decide to neglect these reconstructions.

So, like most radiologists, I had to add these recons to my search pattern to improve my sensitivity for picking up disease. And, this also goes for other sorts of studies. Remember, different planes can be helpful on MRI to catch glenoid labral tears. So, I no longer neglect the reconstructed images and have added them to my search pattern!


I figured I would also add an example of a required reporting change that had changed my search patterns for a thyroid ultrasound. Previously, I would only make a brief description of a thyroid nodule’s size and cystic/solid consistency. Now, knowing more characteristics that make thyroid nodules more suspicious for thyroid cancer, I incorporate these findings into my reports. In my mind, I run through all the attributes of each nodule using TI-RADS criterion so that I don’t miss critical descriptors.  Unfortunately, in the interest of time, I can’t always put a TI-RADS rating for each nodule. But, all the nodules have the description needed for the clinician to make that assessment. New reporting systems will often change how you look at and report the images.

“New” Techniques- Diffusion-Weighted Sequences

And, finally, as an example, new techniques and sequences can also alter your search patterns. They force you to look at new images that you had not seen before. In that regard, the diffusion-weighted technique was a game-changer for acute infarct imaging. Naturally, I always look at them first before any other to make sure patients have no acute infarct. Before the advent of this sequence, our sensitivity for detection of acute ischemia was much lower. Anytime a new technique helps with improving patient care; you need to incorporate it into your search pattern.

“Change Is The Only Constant In Life”: An Application To The Search Pattern

Like this great quote implies, we, as radiologists, cannot rest on our laurels. We need to go with the flow to improve patient care. So, when you have new ways of looking at imaging studies that help with diagnosing or treating patients, make sure to add it to your search pattern. Whether it be, different reconstructions, changing reporting systems, or entirely new techniques, our patients will be better for it!

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Radsresident 3rd Year Birthday Celebration!

birthday celebration

Hard to believe it. It’s already been three years since the invention of this grand ole’ experiment, and it keeps on chugging! Lot’s of new content to help out the radiology resident and still, lot’s more to come. As an annual tradition of the birthday celebration, I have talked about what’s been happening with the blog.  And, this year’s no different. So, let’s review the stats for the past three years, talk about what’s happening right now, and delve a bit more into our future. All three are very exciting (at least for me!)

How Much We’ve Grown!

For a relatively “small total potential audience” of radiology residents and associated staff and faculty, I am proud to say that this blog has done very well. Based on google analytics in the initial year from September 24, 2016, to September 23, 2017, we initially had around 35,000 total visitors. And, as of this year from September 24, 2018- September 23, 2019, we now have approximately 121,000 total visitors. That’s almost 300% growth over the past three years. And, if you look back and compare the previous year to this year, we have still grown by approximately 45%. Pretty impressive.

Even more exciting, from the humble beginnings of just a few posts, you now can peruse through 289 posts (including this one) and another 25 pages. And, you can download a helpful free ebook called The New Attending Physician Guidebook: How To Search For The Right Job And What To Do Once You Start if you sign up to the website. You can also purchase our signature book on Amazon called Radsresident: A Guidebook For Radiology Applicant And Radiology Resident. And, that does not include the precall quizzes that you can take to see if you are yet ready to take overnight call. Also, take a look at some of our more popular articles in the list below!

Most Popular Posts

Past Year (Top Ten In Order)

How Much Work Is Too Much For A Radiologist? (Think RVUs!)

How Much Does It Take To Start A Radiology Imaging Center?

How To Create A Killer Radiology Personal Statement

How to Choose a Radiology Fellowship

Top Traits Of Great Radiologists (They Might Not Be What You Expect!)

The Post Interview Second Look – Is It Worth My Time?

Up To Date Book Reviews For The Radiology Core Examination

The Mega Five: The Ultimate Resources For The First-Year Radiology Resident

What Is The Best Specialty For A Lazy Radiologist?

Radiology Private Practice Versus Other Career Pathways- Is It Worth “The Extra Money”?


All Time Most Popular (Top Ten In Order)

How Much Work Is Too Much For A Radiologist? (Think RVUs!)

How to Choose a Radiology Fellowship

How To Create A Killer Radiology Personal Statement

Top Traits Of Great Radiologists (They Might Not Be What You Expect!)

Up To Date Book Reviews For The Radiology Core Examination

How Much Does It Take To Start A Radiology Imaging Center?

A Common Radiology Applicant USMLE Step I Misconception

Radiology Private Practice Versus Other Career Pathways- Is It Worth “The Extra Money”?

The Post Interview Second Look – Is It Worth My Time?

Five Reasons Why The First Year Of Radiology Residency Can Be The Most Difficult


What’s Changed Recently!

Some of you may have noticed that I have started to write articles with a little bit more of an educational bent. It seems that there is a significant demand for these sorts of posts. So, I have happily obliged and written more on these topics. Additionally this year, I had upgraded the website’s speed because it was running too slow for my liking. No more!

Then, of course, you have probably seen a few surveys. I kind of like them. Moreover, it turns out you like being interactive too. So, I expect to continue with a few more of those throughout the year. And, you may have noticed more ask the residency director posts. That’s simply because my audience asks such great questions. I couldn’t help but post these letters with my accompanying answers. Thank you for your incredible insights!

Lastly, some of you may have noticed an easy to use registration page and popups that allow you to sign up for the weekly newsletter. No more errors! Registration for the newsletter/website has almost doubled since I instituted the improvement.

New Directions!

In addition to continuing to write articles that I hope you find useful, I am still working on my first real video project. It’s going to be a series called Reading More Quickly, Accurately, And Getting More Sleep. I am creating exclusive videos to go through each of the imaging modalities with specific anatomic regions. In the first video, you will get a lecture on head CT and possibly CT facial bones (remains to be determined). Eventually, I would like to create many more.

When you have completed each video, you will have the search patterns of a seasoned attending in that particular area. We will make sure that you don’t miss critical findings and can get through a night of call with less time spent on each case. (And get more sleep!). I will certainly let you know when the first part of the series is available. It’s taking a lot of work and time, but I want to make sure it is of high quality!

Would Love To Hear From You!

Finally, once again, I always welcome comments, criticism, and emails from anyone in my insightful audience. I appreciate guest posts and ask the residency director questions. Also, I would be happy to guest lecture at your institution. If any of these situations apply to you, shoot me an email through the Ask The Residency Director part of the site. Once again, thank you for another great year at!

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What Is Your Work Limit? Find It Before You Get Your Next Job!

work limit

I’ve written before about RVUs and how much work is too much for a radiologist. But, let’s talk about how to figure your work limit before getting into RVU numbers. And that begins right where many of you are now, in radiology residency. Don’t just assume that you will start your first radiology job and you will comfortably work your tail off to make a gazillion dollars per year for the rest of your life. It’s not sustainable. Trust me. You will never be more miserable in your life.

So, how much can you do without going batty? Well, I am going to be a little bit formulaic and give you some ideas on how to figure that out now. Don’t make the wrong decision and work for that next burnout factory!

Do Some Thought Experiments To Determine Your Work Limit

Let’s Say You Could Do Your Favorite Specialty All The Time

Let’s begin by creating an ideal job for yourself where you could do just the right amount of work. For those of you who only want to practice within a specific subspecialty like mammography, this answer should be simple. How many of these studies can you realistically read in any given day without tiring yourself out? Is it twenty, forty, a hundred, or more? The number may not be entirely exact. But, it’s an excellent starting point when you begin to look.

Start thinking in this way because, for some lucky individuals, you can pick the number of studies you want to read in your desired subspecialty. Especially in this market, you can find many lifestyle jobs in the market. Who knows, maybe you can find one of them?

Let’s Say You Could Do Some of Your Favorite Specialty Some Of The Time

For many of you out there, you want to do some work within your area of expertise. But, you would also like to practice in other subspecialties as well. So, say you opt for 25% of the work in your area of fellowship training. And, maybe, the other 75 percent you will dedicate to outside your primary discipline. In this situation, think about which areas within radiology you would like to practice outside your subspecialty. And then, come up with a particular quantity of studies that you can comfortably read in a day.

Why is it more critical to figure out the number of studies you can read outside your primary area of expertise? Well, you want to figure out the most you can bear to do in specialties that you are the slowest. And, for most, that number relies on work they are willing to perform outside of their fellowship training.

In this thought experiment, I would recommend to base this number on your experience on call at nighttime or moonlighting. And then, take that number and apply it to your next job.

Imagine What It Would Be Like On A Day Of Your Worst Nightmares

And then finally, imagine what it would be like to have to practice on a day where your worst nightmares come true. Maybe, you hate reading triple-phase CT scans for pancreatic masses (probably one of my least favorite!) Well, pick a day where you have a ton of them. How much would it take to make you want to abandon ship? Well, you need to figure that number out. Why? Because Murphy’s Law says it will happen and likely more than once. Unless you make sure that you find a practice that will guarantee that you will not get a day like that, you will experience it.  So, figure out what this number would be.

Take A Test Drive Right Now- Apply The Ideal To Reality!

Now that you have some ideas about the numbers of studies that you would like to complete, you are now ready to confirm it all with real-world experience. How can you do that as a resident or fellow? Well, pick a day at your site. And then, go through the number of cases in your specialties of choice that you decided you can complete in any given day. Try it several times to confirm that this is a number that you can handle.

Of course, later on in your career, you will pick up speed and read more studies quicker. But, at least by giving it a trial run right now, it will provide you with a general idea of what your work limit might be. Well, how did it feel? Did it match with your thought experiments? If it doesn’t, and you feel like you should be reading more or less, rinse, wash, and repeat. Readjust the number depending on your experiences. There is no better time than the present to figure it all out!

Finding Your Work Limit The Right Way!

At this point, you have a realistic idea of the number of studies that you can handle. And you can apply it to your next job search. So, when you interview, ask questions about the numbers of cases that you are expected to read.  Does it match up with what you have calculated would work for you?  If it does, keep it in mind as a potential candidate for your next job.

Burnout is a hot topic these days with many job prospects expecting way too much from their applicants. If you want to prevent it from happening to you, be deliberate when you look for your next job. And, utilize these recommendations for helping you to vet the practices you seek. Being methodical and intentional about figuring how many cases you can comfortably and safely read now can be critical to your future career happiness and success!



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Techniques To Mitigate The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

As physicians, and more specifically as radiologists, we all face the issue of sleep deprivation at one time or another. And, lack of sleep is unavoidable. Between late shifts, family issues, studying, and a late-night out with friends during the week, how does any of us get enough of it?

Moreover, we know that sleep has some potent effects on cognition and judgment. Just take a look at this link to an AJR article from 2008 about the liability of sleep deprivation. So, since we know lack of sleep is unavoidable and has potent effects, what techniques can you use to decrease its influence on you at nighttime? Let’s delve into some techniques I have used when I have been exhausted at work.

Know Your Stuff Cold

The more that you know search patterns reflexively, the more likely that you will not skip the findings, even when you are the most exhausted. Think of it as an insurance policy. When the eyes start to droop, the skills that you lose are those that are not second nature. So, take the time to learn radiology as you would understand the multiplication tables in elementary school. You should be able to spit out your search pattern as you look at the anatomy ad nauseum.

Also, make sure that you know all the most critical and common diseases that affect the population that your imaging cold. You are not going to have the wherewithal to look up everything when you are so tired that you barely keep your eyes open.

Concentrate Harder On The Key Elements

Pneumothorax, pneumothorax, pneumothorax. These words should be part of a mantra when you look at a chest film. And, that’s just one example. When you are sleepy, you want to concentrate very carefully on those entities that will make the most clinical difference for patient care. And, pneumothorax is one. But keep other critical diagnoses in mind when you are searching for findings on any new sort of study that you are reading.

Bounce Ideas Off Your Clinical Colleagues

If your mind is in a foggy rut from lack of sleep, sometimes it is helpful to talk to your clinical colleagues. That goes for both radiologists and non-radiologists alike to make sure you are keeping on the right track. Let me give you an example. Say you are staring at one site on a femur x-ray. And, you are not sure it might be either a fracture or a hallucinatory sleep-induced line. Well, give your ED doctors a call to find out if what you are looking at is even relevant to the case. Occasionally, another opinion can make the difference between a good and a bad call.

Take A Brisk Walk For A Few Minutes

When you are already sleepy, sometimes stagnation in a chair can lead to even more exhaustion. If so, think about getting up out of your seat and taking a brief walk for a few minutes. Sometimes, a brief interlude is all you need to rejuvenate your mind once again and get the adrenaline going.

Coffee (For Those That Can Handle It)

I am not saying that you should become a coffee fiend, relying on it until you get the jitters. Or, if you tend to go into cardiac arrhythmias, you should stay away. But, a dose or two at your most fatigued point, can help you to stay awake when you can’t seem to read the films. Plus, research has shown that coffee gives you some health benefits. Just take a gander at this article in Inc.!

Take A Five Minute Nap

Now, I am not suggesting that you should shirk your duties. That would be a disaster. Instead, if you get a moment, sometimes a five-minute nap can rejuvenate your mind to get back to a place where you can concentrate again on the work. Hell, it may save you time during the remainder of the night if it helps you to stay awake.

Sleep Deprivation Is Not Optimal, But We Need To Get Through It!

We live in an imperfect world. And, we participate in an error-prone specialty. Adding to the issues, we are forced to work when we are most exhausted. So, just don’t let the sleepiness take over. Fight back. Try some of these techniques to get you through the night. It may make the difference between a decent and hellish night!


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Don’t Skip Around! A Radiologist’s Mantra

skip around

Round, round, get around, don’t skip around. Reminds me a bit of the Beach Boys tune I Get Around. Regardless of the weak attention-grabbing first sentence, I think this advice is vital for the radiologist.  And it applies to us in many ways. First and foremost, it helps to ensure that you are covering all the findings. But, it is far more than this. Keeping reads in order without skipping around also will enable you to triage appropriately, allows you not to piss off your colleagues, and most critically, ensures that you don’t forget the reason for reading a study. So, let’s delve a little bit more behind each of the reasons behind the nitty-gritty of this philosophy.

Covering All The Findings

What is the best way to make your dictations less accurate? Well, have as many interruptions as possible! And what is it about these interruptions that cause missed findings? Typically, most radiologists will forget what they were doing before.

Since it is impossible to prevent all interruptions (although you can mitigate them), you can avoid loss of sensitivity by sticking to a routine without skipping around. So, the next time the surgeon barges into the room with a question while you are dictating, you will know exactly where to return your focus when the interruption ends. If you repeat a similar routine without skipping around, you will rarely lose your place for long!


What is it about skipping around through a list of patients that can cause triage issues? Well, it’s not fair to read a study first on a patient with similar urgency to others when he was the most recent one completed, right? How would you like it if someone cut in front of you in line at a supermarket? It’s the same philosophy.

But more critically, you should be reading the tech flagged positive findings first, the “STATS” second, the expedites third, and the routines last. Subverting this order can cause clinical disasters, potentially delaying reads on patients with positive results. Why would you want to read a routine oncology workup before a possible intracranial bleed after trauma? Finding a lung nodule is not equivalent to discovering an epidural hemorrhage. Triage in order and don’t skip around!

Order Among The Rank And File

When all members of a practice are working hard, they don’t want to worry about radiologists that are cherry-picking the most straightforward cases to spruce up their RVU numbers. How can a practice avoid such an issue? Well, have the readers read studies in order of when they were performed. Practices often perceive those members that skip around to be skirting the rules.  So, sticking to the list order can help morale!

Circling Back To The Impression

And then finally, to come up with an appropriate impression in any case you read, you should never jump to it without analyzing all the findings first. Skipping around and getting to the conclusion right away is a formula for disaster. Think of it like watching the end of a movie or novel without watching the beginning. How can you figure out the real answers to the clinician questions without going through an entire case? I know that just the mere description of the findings helps me to come up with an appropriate conclusion. Without that process, my impressions are more likely to be off-the-mark. Don’t’ skip this routine!

Following A Radiologist’s Mantra: Don’t Skip Around!

Order matters. Whether you are skipping around instead of using routine search patterns, reading cases in an illogical order, or creating an impression before looking at and analyzing all the findings, you can negatively affect both your partners and patients. We want to do the best for our patients and work partners. So, the next time you decide to accomplish a professional task out of order, think twice. It may not be the best for patient care!


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Read Like A Speed Demon: Goals To Read Cases Faster!

read cases faster

You are just beginning your residency, and your faculty expects you to dictate all the cases on the CT list, more than twenty. But, you are as slow as molasses, having just recently picked up a dictaphone. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Faculty often forget what it is like to have recently started. Having the tools to read cases faster at the beginning is just not possible.

However, take heart. You have to begin somewhere. Most of us are not speed demons from day one. So, instead of worrying about this particular situation, it is much more critical to know how to set goals so that you can continually improve your speed. Each successive time you dictate, you need to feel more comfortable reading each case. And, eventually, you can run more adeptly through increasing numbers of cases in a shorter time.

In the past, I have written an article to help you out with increasing your knowledge to pick up speed called: How To Pick Up Speed In Radiology. Check it out to get some essential advice. But today, I am going to give you some guidelines for setting up specific goals to increase your speed. First, I will talk about what to avoid. Then, I will discuss what you should watch for from your experienced faculty. And, finally, I will go through the specifics of creating goals for increasing speed.

Do Not Deviate From The Search Pattern!

What is the worst way you can read cases faster in radiology? Cutting corners. But, I see it in residents all the time. They feel rushed, and what is the first rule that goes? Well, either they no longer search through all the fields of the film, or they skip looking at an organ system. Either way, these residents are destined to miss many critical findings as they begin to pick up speed, but in an unhealthy way. Training yourself to deviate from a search pattern is a recipe for disaster. If you cut corners as a resident, you will continue the same patterns even after you graduate. Learn the right way early on!

Learn The Tricks Of The Pros

Who should you learn from to read cases faster? Medical students rotating through radiology or attendings in other specialties? Of course not! The answer is simple, the radiology pros, of course! Learn from the best, your faculty.

So, you want to make sure to watch the people that already read cases quickly and accurately,  the seasoned radiology veterans. If you are reading CTs, for instance, sit down with the body imagers. You are bound to learn ways to cover organ systems with more accuracy in a shorter amount of time. One example would be to check out how they scroll through the cases. You may discover that running through the bowel is easier if you look at the contiguous intestine on each successive slice rather than randomly looking at the small and large bowel within the abdomen. By watching what the experienced professionals do, you can pick up additional tips such as this one to speed to your reads and search patterns.

Pick A Number And Increase Each Day

For those of you want to be weightlifters, you cannot start by bench pressing 350 lbs. That is a dangerous recipe for hurting yourself. Instead, most weightlifters set a long term goal to lift 350 pounds eventually, but increase little by little, setting daily and weekly goals. Just like that weightlifter, you need to set a long-term goal and then set shorter-term goals to slowly increase the number of cases in a day. Don’t overdo it at the beginning and strain yourself!

Let’s say that you are starting to read mammography. How many studies should you read? Well, try to pick a long term goal of reading the same number of cases that your attendings read in a day. So, say your breast faculty read around 100 mammograms each in a day. But, when you are starting, you can only read ten mammograms reasonably accurately and quickly. Then, each day, aim to complete a few more than the last.  You may not realize it ay first, but you are building mental connections and eye tracing patterns each time you look at a case. And, the more studies that you look at the stronger the connections. Eventually, it will seem effortless as you scroll through the images. However, it takes time to build this skill.

To Read Cases Faster, It’s Not A Sprint. It’s A Marathon!

Given the pressures of daily work in radiology, you need to run through lots of cases in a rapid amount of time. However, it’s not possible to begin to read accurately and quickly without starting slowly and deliberately. And, usually, it involves starting at a crawl, graduating to a walk, moving to a jog, and only then competing in a marathon.

Remember. As a resident, you have time to build up speed. So, don’t rush it. Habits that form today can last a career. Don’t let them be the wrong ones!