I don’t know about you, but life can turn into hell in a handbasket when my lead technologist is absent. Noticeably, details are left undone. And, the technologists under them don’t function quite as efficiently as they used to. Of course, the responsibilities at these sites slightly differ if they work in an office versus a hospital But, I have noticed that what makes a lead tech successful at both remains mostly the same. So, what are the lead radiology technologist critical roles at your imaging center or hospital? And, what are those traits that make your department run as smoothly as silk?
Keep Of Track Of All The Issues- Organization
All the lead techs I know that are worth their weight in gold maintain records of everything without fail. They follow unread films like hawks, ensuring they have someone looking after them. And they always keep track of accreditation deadlines, both for the site and their fellow technologists and the radiologists. In addition, they might keep track of the stock, whether it be gauze, contrast dye, or tea for the employees. All this work adds up to be for someone that can maintain an organization like no other (even more than most radiologists!)
Can Rally The Troops
What good is a lead tech if the cavalry does not respect them? When a technologist is absent, who wants to pitch in to do extra if you don’t like who you work for? Well, that’s when a respected colleague enters the picture. Those techs that can command respect can also rally their colleagues to help the practice when times get tough, whether it is an absent tech or an inspection from JACHO. In times of need, you need a lead tech that will inspire hard work from their workers and colleagues.
Able To Fill The Gaps
A great lead tech won’t make excuses. They will help themselves to fill in coverage when others are unavailable. Likewise, they don’t sit on a high pedestal expecting everyone else to do their bidding. In a pinch, they will do the job of others. And it all happens so seamlessly that you may not even notice!
An Approachable Lead Radiology Technologist
In the game of medicine, personality is key. And a lead tech should also be someone everyone can come to in a time of need. If a colleague needs a sick day, they should not fear approaching their lead technologist for the possibility of retribution. Instead, they need to be someone people can talk to and trust. Otherwise, big surprises happen, And they are not necessarily for the betterment of the radiology practice.
Takes Care Of Issues Become They Become An Issue
In addition to the trait of organization, lead technologists need to follow through with tasks, so they don’t become a bigger problem later on. This knowledge takes experience, know-how, and grit. Furthermore, they must know the art of triage to decide which issue to tackle next. Knowing whether to prioritize the next hospital business meeting or a technical problem with a piece of equipment can be challenging. Which needs to come first? Well, this is up to the judgment and actions of the qualified lead tech!
A Lead Radiology Technologist Knows How To Deal With Errant Technologists And Staff
Almost all practices have employees that don’t necessarily follow the rules. And they need to call these inappropriate behaviors out, lest they become a problem for the business. An excellent lead tech can take care of these issues with style and prevent the behavior from blossoming into patient losses or lawsuits! Who said the work of a lead tech was easy?
Scheduling can be a constant headache. And this role is typically critical for the lead tech. Knowing where and when to schedule colleagues can be very tricky and time-consuming. But, an excellent lead technologist can easily manage the schedule, ensuring everyone is where they are supposed to be at any given time!
The Great Lead Radiology Technologist!
Bet you might not have thought about all these critical roles a lead tech plays. It’s much more than you might think. But, if you want to hire the right lead technologist, these skills are critical to the smooth running of any radiology imaging department. It takes the right person for this job, and it’s not by any means an easy one!