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How To Pick Up Speed In Radiology

When starting as either a resident or beginning attending, commonly, radiologists worry about whether they are reading quickly enough to meet the demands of the residency or practice. Sometimes, we self impose this construct of the “truth” about our speed. And, other times the fear may be legitimate. In either case, how can you achieve the point at which you are interpreting cases fast enough to feel like you are producing quality dictations without fumbling too much (everyone misses something no matter how quickly you read!) at a reasonable speed? Well, that is my goal for today!

Read Lots Of Cases

First and foremost, I have never found a substitute for reading tons of cases. When you have seen the same finding for the seven thousand three hundred and forty-sixth time, it will stick. Eventually, as you read it so many times, it becomes part of your autonomic system. It becomes so entirely reflexive that it never quite makes it into your consciousness (which will slow things down!).

Create A Master Checklist

Every great radiologist creates a master checklist. It may get to the point that you subconsciously check everything because you have done it so many times. But, it is still there. If you continue to use the same checklist, time after time, it will become second nature. One day, you will make all the findings and won’t even remember that you have one!

Minimize Interruptions

Sometimes, you have to shut the door and focus on the work ahead. Don’t allow your chatty colleagues to stop you from doing your work. If they need to talk to you and you are in the middle of a study, have them wait until you are done. A few seconds of delay can significantly backtrack the progress you have made on your report!

Use Templates Well

Templates can become a major time saver if used properly. If you are dictating a CT scan, having the technique section automated will save you countless hours throughout your career. But be wary. Make sure to take items out that do not apply to your current case!

Use Your Residents Wisely (If an attending)

If you are fortunate to work for a practice with a residency program, you need to make sure to utilize the residents to your advantage. What do I mean by that? Well, they usually have better access to histories than you do (as long as the resident is good!). So, make sure to copy and paste these into your report. On the other hand, if your resident makes lots of typographical errors, you would want to make sure to redo your own report so that it comes out readable! How you go about utilizing the reports varies on a case by case basis. But, using your resident appropriate can save loads of time!

Listen To Your Attending (If a resident)

Say you are on at nighttime and your attending likes a report a certain way (i.e the impression before the findings), make sure to create reports the way she likes it. Or, if you are sitting next to your attending and he tells you to dictate a case an include a statement about the kidneys, remember to do so. You don’t want to have the report bounce back to you!

Don’t Perseverate On The Small Stuff

We can obsess over liver and renal cysts, pulmonary granulomas, and ovarian follicles. Or, we can learn to minimize the verbiage that we use to describe these findings. At some point, when you get too busy, you have to remember to include only what is truly important. Don’t go crazy with the minutia!

Limit Your Differential

Almost every finding can theoretically have 10 differentials. But, what is really going on in the case? In the real world, you only have time to discuss those differentials that are really likely or dangerous. You don’t have time to discuss the unlikely zebras!

Knowledge Is Speed

Believe it or not, reading lots of radiology books augments your speed. Why? Just because it tends to boost the confidence of the reader. The more you know, the less you perseverate and the quicker you become. Thems are the rules!

Don’t Be Too Speedy!

And finally, a word to the wise. After all this talk about increasing speed, don’t forget that sometimes you need to slow down. Missing findings is bad for patient care, increases the likelihood of lawsuits and will ruin your reputation. Therefore, there is a point of no return. So, back it up a bit, will you?

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Knowing Normal Variants: Experience Vs. Reading Books in Radiology (Doximity Article)

normal variants

A while back, I was looking at a stream of comments on one of the social media outlets. And, as the conversation flowed between residents and attendings, I noticed one significant distinction. The attendings tended to emphasize seeing thousands of cases to understand normal variants. While at the same time, the residents talked much more about books and case review series.

Within my residency program, I also notice a similar discrepancy between the resident and faculty opinions on learning normal variants. Therefore, since both parties vary widely on this topic, this would be the perfect forum to discuss the conflict. Here we go!

How Can You Best Learn Normal In Radiology?

To understand all of the normal variants in the world, you would have to practice radiology for hundreds of years. And as much as I love “thorough” books like Keats (linked to my Amazon affiliate!), they do not cover even half of the normal findings on plain film that you can easily confuse with pathology. Also, Keats does not include CT, ultrasound, MRI, mammography, or nuclear medicine. Since you cannot find all the variants in the literature, reading lots of books alone, in my opinion, does not enable you to learn enough to become proficient.

Additionally, the information inside rarely sticks if you are reading a book without context. If I were to go through the entire Keats book without any real-life images, I probably would not remember all that much.

This point brings me back to the essence of this article. How do you best learn normals? To maximize stickiness, I believe looking at lots of real-time cases within books, like Keats at your side, and having an attending sit next to you allows you to remember and understand normal variants the best. Context is key.

Reading Lots Of Films: Painful But Necessary?

In addition, it is not just about knowing the normals. You also need to read scores of films rapidly to identify the normal variants appropriately. There is no room to perseverate forever on every case you read. Rapid assessment of normals has become critical to thriving in a bustling private practice.

You cannot practice radiology without reading tons of cases with normal variants unless you find yourself shielded from many films within a large academic center or decide on an alternative career path. So, we recognize that you need to start reading early to produce insightful reports that differentiate normal as an attending. And, what better place than residency to learn these skills?

To that end, you may not believe it, but most program directors do not derive pleasure in causing undue pain to the residents by saying you need to spend “x” hours on a rotation. Instead, we seek to make sure that in addition to reading books, you also read enough studies to identify normal versus abnormal sufficiently. We want nothing more than to create an upstanding/quality radiologist.

What Is The Correct Balance To Develop A Feel For Normal Variants?

The perfect balance is difficult to figure out; we need to tweak it for the individual trainee and program. But, I would recommend spending more time at work with your faculty instead of dedicating too much time to study books.

Moreover, the government pays for you to perform clinical services. It’s hard to justify reading books when Medicare pays you to work. And just as importantly, nighttime after work tends to be the best time to reinforce your day’s learning.

The Bottom Line

Remember, you can always look at films by yourself later in your career or while on call. But, you will not always have the advantage of a readout with an experienced radiologist. So, I have to side with the faculty in this situation. Granted, I am biased, but they make the best point!


Check out the original article at the following Doximity link!!!