Question About Average RVUs:
Do you know the average RVUs per shift for radiologists and the differential between private practice and academic radiologists?
Thank you,
Wondering About RVUs
I have not found a specific breakdown of work RVUs per radiologist regarding academic versus private practice. I can shout out to my audience and see if anyone has this information. Has anyone found any valuable data about this? If so, please write something in the comments section!) However, to figure out the average RVU per shift, you can take the average RVU of 10020 in 2023 (from Lifetrack Medical Systems) and divide that by approximately 200 days per year. (around the average number of days worked per radiologist) That would give you around 50 RVUs per day shift.
However, the question may not matter concerning practicality and potential job search. I know of private practices where they have a “lifestyle” practice and complete very low RVUs. Likewise, I know of academic centers where the radiologists work like dogs and meet ungodly RVUs. So, using this information to determine whether to go into private practice versus academia would be a mistake. You need to approach this issue individually, not on a global academic versus private practice basis. On the other hand, if you are using the information for research purposes, it may have an alternative use.
Assuming that you are using RVU data to look for jobs using this criterion, I would look at the specific RVUs of a group and, even more importantly, remember to also look at your particular role in the academic or private practice. Some “academic” centers do very little research and expect some radiologists to do almost entirely clinical work. Likewise, other private groups have a partial academic bent and are less heavily RVU-oriented.
Good luck with your search!