With the onset of Covid, between late March and April 2020, imaging volumes suddenly dried up for many radiologists. This change brought radiologists a taste of what life would be like if we had only to work three days a week. And, it was not so bad. Sure, radiologists did not bring home as much income. But, it was certainly nice to have multiple three and four-day weekends. It was sort of a sampling of the life of three days a week for radiologists. For many radiologists, this became a dream to continue to work with such a shortened optimum workweek. And these are the reasons why.
More Refreshed At Work By The Optimum Workweek
If you only have three days at work as an optimum workweek, you are more likely to have increased time to rest and relax on the days you are off. Therefore, radiologists felt less hurried and calmer on their workdays. We had more time for lunch and could even check the internet every once in a while. Not only that, we could savor every case. We could read about diseases and take the time to learn more with each Google search. This more lackadaisical attitude was refreshing for its time.
More Outdoor Exercise
As opposed to the pandemic, many radiologists became healthier because they had more time to walk and run outdoors. We spent more time out of our seats and less time staying in one position. My walks with my dog became longer. And, it was not just because spring had sprung.
Time For New Hobbies
During this time, many of us started to participate in new endeavors. Whether just to keep your hands busy, such as knitting, or to increase your daily output of exercise by running, many radiologists began exploring all sorts of activities they didn’t have time for. Some even lasted past the time of the pandemic.
Time To Go Back To Old Hobbies
Others began pursuing activities they could not before because of lack of time. I spent more time learning a couple of languages and learning guitar. With three days’ work, pursuing these hobbies could become more permanent.
Home Repairs
I am not a home repair guru. But, for many folks, all of a sudden, home projects that we delayed for lack of time no longer sat fallow. We repaired sinks, rooves, shelves, and more. When you have the time, it is much easier to complete do-it-yourself home projects.
Traveling On The Weekends With The Optimum Workweek
A three-day workweek, flanked by extra days on either weekend, leaves some time for weekly travel if you choose. Sure, it wasn’t easy to go abroad at that time. However, many of us opted for local jaunts to the country or local getaways. This experience was not so bad!
More Time With Family
With kids at home from school and radiologists spending more time at home, many families became closer and more tight-knit. We spent more time with our spouses, dogs, and kids. That’s what a three-day workweek could do!
A Three-Day Radiologist Optimum Workweek, Not So Bad!
Sure, working five days a week in the United States is standard. But, if you can afford the living standards, there are many advantages to working three days a week as a radiologist. Whether spending more time doing what you like or just feeling refreshed and excited about your next case, the three-day radiologist gig can work for you!