We are witnessing a sea change in the world order as hostilities brew between Russia and Ukraine. Additionally, for the first time in over 30 years, we are experiencing a new cold war with the possibility of triggering a nuclear catastrophe. One small wrong move from the NATO allies or Russia can cause Armageddon. It can be as simple as cyber hackers shutting the lights off in Ukraine that accidentally do the same in Poland. Or, perhaps, a rogue pilot can cross into the wrong territory. We have more to worry about in the world than ever before. To top that off, the news and social media constantly bombard us with images and updates. These pictures of desperation can make what we do seem insignificant, especially with news tweets and updates all the time.
Yet, regardless of the catastrophes brewing abroad and the frustrations we experience, what we do as a profession still has meaning to the patients we diagnose and treat and the referrers that order the studies. So how can we keep our cool and concentrate on what we do as a profession without losing focus from the nightmares happening abroad? Here is some essential advice to remember to maintain our focus while the world changes.
We Cannot Control Armageddon In Ukraine But We Can Control What We Do At Home
In Ukraine, Russia, and abroad, what’s going on are events in an ongoing Armageddon that we can’t stop. Elected and unelected politicians on both sides control the reigns. We can make our feelings known about these disasters. But, we can’t do much to stop the flow of these events.
On the other hand, we can control what we do at work to help patients using the tools we have learned in radiology. Regardless of what is happening in the world can continue to provide excellent patient care. And, we make all the findings and diagnoses so that patients are treated well and get better. So, we should continue to do so.
Remember What We Do Helps People
We still provide a valuable service that helps physicians and their patients regardless of the suffering abroad. It can be easy to forget that since some of us provide indirect patient care sitting at a computer and reading films. But, ask almost any one of our clinical friends, and they will tell you that what we do is not insignificant. We diagnose appendicitis and aortic ruptures, potentially saving lives and complications. We should never forget that.
Appreciate Your Situation
We, outside of Ukraine, are fortunate not to be refugees. We are not running away from bombardment and have a job always to return. Sure, the information age connects us to everything in the world. But, it is not on our doorstep right now. And fortunately, we can continue to perform our daily rituals and lives. We need to appreciate how lucky we are.
It is still possible to do something about the situation for all the badness happening in Ukraine. If we cannot be there, you can at least support your favorite charities to ensure that you are helping out the victims. Donating can help alleviate some of those feelings of helplessness for the folks in Ukraine.
Maintaining Our Focus While There Is Armageddon In Ukraine
Listening to the horrible stories of millions of people leaving their country under the threat of Armageddon can be difficult. But, if we recognize that we can’t control external factors, realize what we do is essential, and at least donate to the cause, these are some ways to allow us to continue to focus on the critical roles that we serve for the community. Although the situation abroad does not look promising in the short term, let’s hope that our democratic ideals will win out in the end. Time will tell.