I don’t know about you folks, but when I buy new sneakers, I expect it will take a while before I can break them in. The material needs to stretch out to surround and cushion my foot gradually. Rarely do the sneakers fit perfectly on day one. The process can take months or even years until I get them the way I want. So, I buy them with the expectation of future comfort, not how they feel today.
If I try to buy the perfect sneakers, it never seems to work. I find myself returning lots of footwear (online nowadays!) And, I waste my time and incur multiple restocking fees or trips to the store for returns. So, what do I look for when I buy those sneakers? I look for reasonably comfortable pairs that fit snugly without too much discomfort. Also, I find pairs that will less likely cause me to trip over myself. So, what does this all have to do with radiology? It’s coming out of the left-field, right? Well, not really. Let me explain.
Like buying sneakers, residency programs, or first jobs rarely fit perfectly on that first day. It may be good enough and may have the potential to work well. But, you may notice the imperfections at first. These imperfections may trouble you because you may question if you made the right choice or not. But it would help if you had patience. Why? Because the outcomes can be costly, just like the returned footwear. And here are some of the reasons why.
What Doesn’t Work Perfectly Now Will Get Better In The Future
All the imperfections tend to loom larger when starting a new job or a new residency. You notice the worn call room or the resident that constantly complains. What else do you have to hang your hat on? But, I can assure those same issues that you see right now will most likely go away. Yes, you will face other problems and challenges as well. But, I have never seen anyone join a practice or begin a program that is perfect on the first day, week, or month. It just takes a bit of time for the sneaker to mold to your foot!
You Gain Familiarity With Your Colleagues- First Impressions Are Rarely Correct
How often have you noticed that your roommate or teacher was not as they first seemed in your academic career? In my case, I know that my first impression was often wrong. The teacher that seems bizarre often turns out to be the best. And, that roommate that you thought was off a bit may turn out to change your life. It’s all a matter of perspective. And, in the beginning, our views can be skewed. This sensation can feel just like the sneakers that may be a little bit tight at the top at the beginning!
The Costs To Changing Sneakers (Jobs) Are Immense
It is not so simple if you are leaving your residency program midstream or deciding to change to another faculty position elsewhere. Especially as a family, the costs of uprooting your accommodations, kid’s schools, or workplace are immense. Just like when you constantly have to pay those restocking fees, the price of changing jobs can add up over time and can become exceedingly difficult to recoup. It’s worthwhile to give your present job a second look to make sure that it is not what you wanted in the first place.
Give The Well-Worn Sneakers (Residency/Job) A Chance To Support And Comfort You!
All outstanding accomplishments take time. So, give your residency or job a chance. Yes, there are times where a sneaker can break, or a rock gets stuck in the sole. In these unusual cases, the damages are irreparable, just like some rare residencies or career paths. But, those times are rare. In the end, you may find that you will live a much more comfortable and happier life if you stick it out a bit. Your feet will thank you!