Last week I gave you all a top ten list for becoming a rural radiologist. But, I have received a few complaints from my urban colleagues that believe they have been shortchanged. Despite all the advantages of rural radiology, there are still some significant advantages for urban radiologists. Today, to be evenhanded and in honor of the city life, here are the top ten reasons to migrate to the city as an urban radiologist!
Concentration Of Specialized Radiologists In One Place
Where else can you find a subspecialist that specializes in neuro intervention of vascular malformations as well as a Xofigo center of excellence? Unlikely that you will find this in the middle of rural Nebraska. But, in a big city, you can find a subspecialist in almost anything. And, you can become that specialist because of the high concentration of patients in one place!
High Quality Of The Urban Radiologist
That is not to say that rural radiologists are bad, but it does take a lot to survive in the city. And finding that job usually requires some high falootin’ credentials. It would help if you had the right hybrid of certificates and connections. So, you do find a large proportion of overachieving physicians in the city. It even goes the same for radiologists!
More Cross-Pollination With The Urban Radiologist
What happens when you gather a bevy of doctors in one place? Well, you get to hear the war stories in other departments. And you are more likely to discuss other physician areas of interest. Of course, this discussion will often lead to distinct outcomes, whether creating research or treating patients differently. For instance, you have an all-star thyroid pathologist on the premises, so you are more likely going to do lots of thyroid biopsies, more so than other institutions. Cross-pollenation changes the dynamic.
Where else can you walk a few hundred feet away from your site of work or residence and go to a supermarket, drug store, and dog training facility? I certainly can’t think of any. There’s no need to maintain a car or means of transportation. It’s all at your fingertips by walking or public transit.
Easier For The Urban Radiologist To Get A Date
Maybe you are single and looking? When you out in the middle of rural Idaho, you might have a more challenging time finding a significant other. And many young radiologists are still single. So, think about that urban job. You are more likely to find like-minded folks and, of course, get hitched!
Larger Diversity Of Patients
Are you looking to become more culturally aware? Well, look no further than the city. You will see all types of folks and have the opportunity to communicate and learn from them. It just doesn’t happen to the same extent out in the hinterlands. It’s only one of those advantages of city life.
Greater Swath Of Pathology
Along with the more significant cultural diversity comes an increased variety of pathology unique to every culture and country worldwide. You will find all sorts of weird and bizarre diseases in the middle of a city you won’t find elsewhere. These can include all kinds of genetic and environmental pathology. Want to swing for fences with differential diagnoses with zebras? Go practice in the city!
Cultural Opportunities
Do you like the opera or want to see a heavy metal rock concert? Maybe you want to check out the local happenings at the new dinosaur exhibit? There is no better place for this than a large city. You will never get the same opportunities out in the country.
Lots Of Shopping
Folks come all over the world to shop at select stores in large cities. And, you can find goods and services that you would seldom find anywhere else. It may be a market for ancient lamps or a store for hand-hewn mannequins. You can find it all, and it may only be a few footsteps from your urban job!
For the eclectic culinary lover of a radiologist, there is no better place to try out the flavors of the world. Olive Gardens and Chili’s (as much as I like them) don’t always do the trick. Sometimes you want to eat out or pick up food from a culinary king. And, even better, when you step out of your imaging center to go to pick it up next door!
Being An Urban Radiologist- Not So Bad!
Yes, rural radiology does have its advantage when it comes to the cost of living and pay. But life is not all about money. You miss out on a whole world of opportunities when you live outside the city in rural America. So, if you like culture, entertainment, and convenience, consider a life in the city as an urban radiologist. You won’t regret it!