We all have different ways in which we like to work. Some folks find that clutter and chaos foster creativity. And others can’t stand the slightest mess in front of them (or behind them!) I am in the first camp. I find clutter a bit cozy, allowing me to feel comfortable sitting down and starting to write. It is almost like a stimulant. But, this layout does not work for everyone. So, figuring out where to put a bulky PACS system in your office is no small task. Your well-being depends on it.
Integrating our newfound large multi-monitor computers into the overall theme of our office caused chaos. For those of us with other family members in the same workspace, these systems can interfere with the room, taking over large swaths of workspace real estate and increasing the appearance of clutter even more. So, how do you ensure the PACS does not dominate the room? And how can finding a space for it allow the rest of the family to coexist peacefully? Based on my experience, here are some tips to avoid family disputes over losing working real estate to a PACS.
Get A New Connection For A Better Workspace
Sometimes, the internet connection can limit the options for arranging a workspace. I prefer a direct hookup of the PACS system to the ethernet rather than a wireless connection. The information just gets sent to the computer that much quicker. If you don’t have the correct arrangement of hookups in the office, you may be unable to place the PACS in the right spot. Well, there is a quick fix for that. Just get a new connection and put it wherever you want!
Put The System In An Unused Space Within The Office
Only some offices have a ton of space. But, occasionally, a room may have an underutilized unique niche where that PACS system can go. It could cover up a blemish in the room or, even better, make it look more like an office. Go ahead and fill that spot with the computer system. See how it fits. It may make the office space feel like a great workspace.
Build A New Enclosure Within The Room For The PACS System
You may have the room for the PACS at other times, but you may need the appropriate spot to place it. To ensure that you can have the space you desire, you need a bit of creativity to reshape the room, add a desk, or build some cabinets around it. Either hire the carpenter to create what you want or do the woodwork yourself. Either way, a new enclosure may be all you need to make the workspace of your dreams.
Divide The Room
You may have no other option but to divide the room into two. One person wants their workspace without interruption, and the other can’t stand that eyesore called a PACS system. If you have the space to divide the room into two, go for it!
Find Another Room Altogether To Prevent Chaos
OK. Only some people have space in the house to create another office dedicated to a PACS system. But, sometimes, finding that extra room is the only solution. You can’t put an entire PACS system on top of another family member’s workspace. It’s a great way to create a battle royale!
Removing The Chaos Of A New PACS!
For many folks, a bulky PACS system is a necessary evil. It is an eyesore. Yet, it is what allows us to improve our radiology work-life balance. Before plunking it down somewhere random in a room, consider making it more appetizing for everyone. Whether it takes making a new connection, finding a new niche, building a spot for the PACS, dividing the room entirely, or moving somewhere out of the space completely, making space work for everyone is critical. Placing the PACS in the right spot should be more than an afterthought!