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Which Radiologists Will Have The Hardest Financial Impact From The Pandemic?


Based on the individual circumstance, the pandemic has affected radiologists very differently. Financially speaking, some radiologists have barely felt any impact whatsoever from the epidemic. Maybe they practice farther from the pandemic epicenters. Or perhaps, they work directly for hospitals that have longer-term contracts and can weather the financial storm. Others are residents or V.A. employees that receive a fixed salary from the government. But that leaves out a good-sized chunk of the total radiologist population.

So, which subgroups has the Covid pandemic affected the most financially and will most likely have a lasting impact on their financial well-being? Let’s go through two clusters that I believe will have the most economic impact from the pandemic. Logically, these would be those newly-minted radiologists from their fellowships in hard-hit areas, just recently hired (or possibly furloughed!). Also, of course, those recent retirees that unluckily retired just as the pandemic hit. How significant will these losses be? How can they recover? And what are the critical lessons that we need to learn from this episode in our history?

New Radiologists Just Finishing Fellowship

New radiologists are getting hit by a double whammy. First, they are potentially losing out on initial income due to less than expected initial revenue. For some, this may come in the form of a leave or salary cut. For others, it may be a loss of a job. In many of these cases, this initial loss of income comes when loans are typically first due, and even worse, when debt loads from medical school are at their highest. For some, inevitably, this can cause a bit more financial suffering as these radiologists need to make ends meet.

Furthermore, the first few years of retirement savings are the most critical due to the geometric rate of return of invested savings. Think about it. If pensions and retirement contributions are delayed or canceled, these are the dollars that have the most power.

Suppose you are fortunate to have a 10 percent annual interest rate and work for thirty-five years. These initial dollars can be worth as much as 28 times what you put into it when you retire at 67 years old. If you delay merely one year, the same dollar only is worth 25.5 times what you put into it. Compare that to the same savings of a 50-year-old radiologist who has to delay savings by a year. If there are 15 years left in his career at 10 percent interest, each dollar will be worth 4.2 times the initial value. If this same radiologist delays their pension by a year, that same dollar will be worth 3.8 times what they put in. Those additional dollars have much less significance.

Newly Retired Radiologists

When you first begin retirement, you often need a wad of cash to pay for daily expenses. And, many of these radiologists may have cashed out their stash from the stock market. If you were unfortunate to cash out a large amount of your savings at the time of the crash and had not slowly converted your holding to less risky assets, you may have cashed out at the time of the twenty to thirty percent loss in the stock market in March. This loss could have severely decreased your overall net worth and the ability to have a comfortable retirement. Additionally, for those retiring radiologists who were planning to go part-time, many practices were unwilling to hire back some of these radiologists as the volumes had precipitously declined. Again, this could have made for the perfect financial storm!

How To Bounce Back From A Covid Economic Disaster

Keep Those Expenses Down

For many of us, this episode may have been the first time we have had to dip into an emergency fund. It goes to show you that radiologists are not immune from financial hardships (as lucky as we have been in the past!). So, make sure not to spend your savings quickly. Avoid old spending habits, and make sure to tighten your belts. Simple acts such as going through your credit card statements and reducing unneeded expenses can help enormously. And canceling luxury and unnecessary purchases can also assist. None of us can be sure when we will return to a more “normal” baseline.

Return To Work As Soon As Possible

For those younger radiologists that have been furloughed or let go, don’t stop searching for full-time employment as soon as possible. Time is of the essence as a dollar earned today is much more powerful.

And, for those radiologists that were about to retire, you may reconsider complete retirement. Part-time work allows you to make a reasonable salary, when available, and can help defray some of the financial hardship losses.

What Are The Take-Home Lessons About Radiologist Financial Well-Being?

Like any other profession, we are not immune to the whims of the economy and “black swan” events. All of us need emergency funds, regardless of our perceived safety nets at our jobs. And, all of us should continue to save and invest throughout our careers to prevent us from the potential losses of a sudden downfall. As the old boy scout motto reminds us, be prepared!




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Didn’t Take The USMLE And Still Want To Apply To Radiology Residency!


Question About Applying Without The USMLE


Currently, I am starting the intern year as a categorical surgery resident. I know I would be happier as a radiologist, but now I am in a tricky situation. I am a D.O. with decent scores. Unfortunately, I did not take the USMLE (I entered medical school thinking of pediatrics, and my advisor told me to focus on just one examination). Even though I have not taken the USMLE, I have published research from undergrad in pediatrics from an excellent medical school. Moreover, I was a part of the medical honor society, a tutor during medical school, had prior work experiences, and plenty of volunteering/club involvement. I know the radiologist I worked with would be willing to write me a persuasive letter of recommendation.

As a student, I initially applied for general surgery due to a passion for anatomy, and because I enjoyed working with breast cancer patients. I thought I wanted to be a breast surgeon. However, I had the pleasure of working with a radiologist working in breast/women’s imaging. I loved it. Being able to detect subtle changes in breast tissue was fascinating. From the mammograms, stereotactic biopsies, and needle localizations, the days would seem to fly by. I couldn’t get enough of it. Never did I think I would be so interested in radiology, but without any prior exposure in the field, I would have never known. 

I guess at this point I am unsure what to do. The current hospital I am at does not offer a radiology residency but is a part of a healthcare system that is about an hour away. What is the best advice you have for someone in my position? Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

What To Do?



Dear Applicant,

As an intern in surgery, you are well within the window to change specialties from the standpoint of government medicare funding. But, if you make your decision to enter radiology too late, that may no longer be the case. Applying later will reduce the number of residencies that will give you an interview. So, there is no better time than now to apply for radiology, as that is your area of interest.

Also, you may not want to hear this. The best way to ensure that you will get a spot in radiology would be to take the USMLE Step I and II exams. Many residencies disregard the COMLEX scores. Now that the AOA has merged with the ACGME, the USMLE tests are the standard throughout the country. A good score on the USMLE Step I would go a long way to giving your application some more “street cred.” (Eventually, in 2022 the USMLE Step II will be more critical exam since Step I will be a pass/fail test only). 

If you only have the COMLEX exam, you will be limiting the number of residencies that will seriously examine your application. I would try to take these exams as soon as possible so that the residency programs will have your scores. (Not sure if you can fit it in before this application cycle ends, but if you can, that would be great!)

All the other stuff that you have done, such as research, tutoring, and volunteering, is excellent. But, everyone else applying for radiology residency has done the same. So, although you need to add it to your ERAS application, it’s not going to differentiate you.

A recommendation from a radiologist within a health care system that has a residency can still support your application. Even if there are no other residency programs within the healthcare system, it will still help a little bit (but not as much).

The bottom line is that all is not lost. It will take a bit of work to study for the USMLE Step I and start your application soon. If you can’t get those USMLE scores before the application cycle, you can try to apply regardless. However, the chances of getting into radiology residency will be a little bit less. I think it is still worth a shot because you don’t want to lose out on government funding. Alternatively, you can take off a year of residency and find a job in research. That would potentially postpone the medicare funding issue and allow more time to study for the USMLE. When there’s a will, there is a way!

Good luck,

Barry Julius, MD

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Is The Radiology Home Workstation Becoming Too Good?

home workstation

At the home of most radiologists nowadays, you will find a computer remotely hooked up to a Picture Archiving And Communication System (PACS) where they can look at films and dictate cases. As I sit typing this blog, I am staring at a home workstation across the room myself. It enables me to read studies from home with all the comforts thereof. Additionally, I find that the chair here is comfier, the mouse works a bit better, and there are fewer glitches on it than the ones at work. But this presents an issue that even I have felt a few times. Why go into the hospital when I can do some of the same things with one home’s amenities and work even more efficiently? Is there any role for reading from an on-site computer?

Well, if you do read in the reading room at your facility, gone are the days when most specialists would come down often to the department to read over a film in your reading room. Instead, you are lucky to get a few stragglers-by, usually, a resident who wants to learn a bit, or maybe a physician with a family member that needs a read on a film. Yes, the din of conversation of colleagues has continued to melt away slowly. But, with decreasing clinical interactions, even on-site, do our comfy home workstations represent the final nail in the coffin for working at the hospital? And what do we lose by being able to do our work at home more efficiently than from the workplace? Let’s summarize some of the most significant losses and problems in this new world as we work at our home workstations instead of on-site.

Future Colleagues And Friends (Outside of Radiology)

Some of the most excellent docs that I have encountered; I have only met because they stopped by the reading room to look at a film with me. And, slowly, over time, I got to know them better. Eventually, we might have lunch together on occasion or see each other at some staff meetings. It’s just not the same when you get a ring from a doctor to look at a film. And even with fewer interactions at work, these new potential connections are lost.

Meaningful Interactions And Learning Opportunities

When a fellow specialist walks into the reading room to look at a study, they will typically talk about their work. And, usually, I will learn something new about their specialty. Maybe, it’s a new technique that the surgeon uses or a new technology that the gastroenterologist operates. Regardless, fewer interactions at home without our colleagues means fewer opportunities to learn about other areas in medicine.

Teaching Opportunities

Likewise, sometimes I want to bring home an essential point to a clinician that came down to check out a study. Perhaps, it’s when to use contrast on a CT scan. Or, maybe it’s when they should order a V/Q scan. These were teachable moments to make sure that clinicians used imaging appropriately. Now, some of these focused teaching opportunities to improve care are lost.

Increasing Burn-Out (For Some)

Then, of course, with the complete loss of foot traffic at home instead of work, we lose some sense of connection to others. This disconnect can lead to a loss of meaning in our work. On-site, you are more likely to hear about what happened in the operating room or the patient on the floor. Working from home can distort your sense of reality. And, us results-oriented radiologists can lose a sense of meaning in our work, causing burnout.

So, Is The Home Workstation Too Good?

I have to admit. Sometimes, it is pleasant to be able to read studies from the comfort of home. And, there are certainly moments to take advantage of that. But, I believe that there is still a time and a place to spend some time at the hospital workstation. The home workstation will never be too good to replace the imaging center environment entirely. Although we may not realize it at any given moment as we work from the hospital, most of us still receive fringe benefits. I don’t think the home workstations will ever entirely replace on-site work!



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Forgot To Look At The Priors? Disasters Can Happen!


There are a few tenets in radiology that are unbreakable. One of these doctrines is to always look for priors. So, what are some real stories about what can happen to you if you forget them? To bring home this point, I will give you four examples of what can happen if you leave out the prior exam. The results speak for themselves. And these are just the tip of the iceberg!

The Phlebolith That Just Gets In The Way

New radiologists, especially, will often have a disease called happy eye syndrome. They make a diagnosis and forget about everything else. One of these critical steps they forget is remembering to look at priors. And, one such resident happened to do just that. One night, a resident saw a calcification probably in line with the ureter. And the urinary tract collecting system was slightly prominent. And, she called it an obstructing 6 mm stone.

The next day, the overnight attending looked at the case and saw the same calcification at the same location four years ago on a previous with and without contrast CT scan. And, it was not even associated with the ureter!

So, what happened to the patient? The surgeon sent the patient for surgery. But fortunately for the patient, they never got to operating suite. A well-placed phone call from the morning attending prevented an unnecessary operation. But, that was surely a close one!

The Overnight V/Q Scan- Not Just A Harmless Test!

Very commonly, the resident at nighttime use the V/Q scan as a means to sharpen their skills. But, it is not necessarily a safe test if not used the right way. One night, a resident called multiple mismatches at both lungs with a negative chest x-ray as a study highly suspicious for pulmonary embolus. And, correctly so, of course, if they didn’t have the priors!

So, the overnight physician started the patient on a course of coumadin. Guess what? The next day before the attending came into the hospital; this patient developed a change in mental status. And, the CT scan showed a focal hemorrhage. Now, whether the cause of the bleed was this coumadin dosage is debatable. But, once again, it demonstrates the power of the prior!

The Angry Oncologist (And Patient)

Typically, oncologists order studies to decide whether or not their patients should get a change in chemotherapy. In one such case, one attending read a lung cancer oncology chest, abdomen, and pelvis. There were lesions in the bone, liver, and lung. He reported the results, never bothering to check the script and the request for comparison to priors.

It turns out this patient was on an experimental protocol that demanded precise timepoint interpretations compared to the previous study. Due to the lack of description of change on the CT scan compared to the priors, the oncologist could not determine what to do next. Since the new results did not come back until after the deadlines, the study removed the patient from the treatment protocol! Bye-bye successful therapy!

The Thyroid Nodule From Hell

Thyroid nodules seem to be a common indication for a thyroid ultrasound. And, many of us consider ultrasound to be a relatively benign informative examination. But, so not so much for this next unfortunate bloke.

One radiologist interpreted an ultrasound thyroid examination as a suspicious 1.5 cm nodule at the right lower pole of the thyroid. And, he decided to recommend a biopsy. Of course, in small letters at the bottom of the technologist’s report, the technologist said the patient has two different MR numbers, and please compare these to the priors. Unfortunately, the radiologist missed this statement.

So, the endocrinologist sent the patient for a biopsy. Also, unbeknownst to the interventional radiologist, the patient never knew that the patient had priors. Well, what happened? Of course, the radiologist completed the biopsy, and the patient developed a large hematoma in the neck with associated complications. And, only afterward, the referring physician realized that the patient did have another study. Guess what, the nodule was stable all along and didn’t need a biopsy. The patient was stuck with a needless nasty hematoma!

Priors: Don’t Forget Them!

I think you get the point. But as painful as it may be to hear the same recommendation again, it is worth repeating over and over, don’t forget the priors. These are just a few of the potential disasters that lie in wait for you if you break this tenet of radiology. And, it’s a great way to disrupt the chain of excellent patient care!

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Do IR-DR Programs Hold Grudges Against DR Applicants?


Question About IR-DR Program Grudges Against DR Applicants:

Hi, Dr. Julius!

Thank you so much for creating such an excellent resource for students who are interested in Radiology as a profession. I am interested in applying to Interventional-Diagnostic Radiology (IR-DR) as my preferred specialty this Fall. I am still confused by applying to IR-DR and Diagnostic Radiology (DR) at the same time. To give some context, I currently live in the United States, and my husband is an Orthopedics resident who will complete his training in 2023. We have a young son, and so location is very high on my considerations as it pertains to different programs. I love IR and want to pursue an integrated residency. However, since you can still get into IR-DR from DR, location is more important to me than an integrated program.

I guess my real question is that specific DR programs will hold it against you that you applied to their attached IR-DR program and will not grant you an interview. Considering that the match rate for IR-DR is only around 50-60%, I cannot risk applying only IR, but will program A’s DR program still consider me if they know that I have sent applications to residency A’s IR-DR program as well? Thank you so much for your input!

Future Interventionalist



Dear Future Interventionalist,

According to my experience over the past few AUR meetings, unfortunately, some residency programs hold grudges against residents who apply to both DR and IR-DR programs. However, most don’t. For those that do, from what I gather, they will often take residents that apply to IR-DR programs if they believe that they are good anyway. So, I would not let that stop you from sending applications to both sorts of residencies simultaneously. As you have stated, IR-DR is competitive, and you are better off applying to both programs. DR programs still have a pathway to get into IR-DR. The numbers game makes it not worth your while to worry about individual programs’ grudges!

Good luck!

Barry Julius, MD

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Top Eight Radiology Residency Changes Since The Pandemic

radiology residency changes

Covid-19 has changed the face of radiology residencies throughout the country in a matter of months. But, what are some of the most significant differences compared to life before all of this started? Let’s go through the top eight most significant radiology residency changes since the pandemic began.

Noon Conferences


Rows and rows of residents and students would gather in the conference room to listen to the faculty member lecturing. Attendings would call on the folks to answer questions.


Who would have ever thought that you would receive your lectures on a computer screen in any location of your choosing? That has precisely happened over the past several months—no more in-person lectures at many institutions. And, you are much less likely to get called on in the middle of a conference!

Empty Reading Rooms


Reading rooms were much quieter than they were twenty years ago since the advent of PACS, reducing the number of physicians visiting the reading rooms. But, you could still find some activity with residents and faculty present, discussing cases.


Now more and more faculty are not showing up at all. They are working from home. In many cases, all you have is a resident fielding occasional phone calls. But, for the most part, you can hear a pin drop!

Learning To Dictate With A Mask


You would pick up a microphone and start dictating. And, that was hard enough as a first-year radiology resident.


Now first-year residents no longer only need to learn to dictate. They also need to learn with an encumbrance on their face, making sure a mask does not stifle their voices. They will become the most articulate class ever!

Extensive Cleaning Procedures


You would enter a reading room and pick up a microphone. Only a minority of physicians would come in and wipe down the desk, microphone, and computer. And, many folks thought these doctors were crazy neat freaks!


Instead, you now come in with an arsenal of cleaning supplies to ensure you don’t get Covid-19. Those faculty members that don’t use all those cleaning supplies are considered nuts!

Less Residency Social Events


Not that we considered radiology residency to be party central, but residents and faculty would get to know each other well on the outside of work. Or, at least you would have a few arranged meet and greet sessions.


Residents are lucky if they get to know the new first-year residents’ names! And, attendings are even having a harder time. It’s much more challenging to get to know your colleagues when you need to stay away.

Less Elective Cases/Decreased Volumes


Patients would get mammograms, thyroid screening, DEXA scans, virtual colonoscopies, and more with impunity. Residents and attendings needed to read tons and tons of these scans all times.


We have seen a noticeable drop in elective volumes. Patients think twice about completing their screening or low-impact studies because of the inherent risk of personal interaction.

Less Free Food


The hospital was a food fiesta of sorts. On any given day, you could find attendings purchasing pizza for residents, resident appreciation day festivities, and corporate-sponsored lunches.


It has become much harder to find free food in the hospital. Although occasionally available, far fewer purchasers and employees want to risk having physicians to dive into a free sandwich!

Easier Commutes


Traffic may catch you on a bridge, a tunnel, or a highway for hours if you have a terrible morning while you were driving to work. You were not the only working soul!


Both unemployment and more remote working have taken a toll on the number of cars on the road. You can now enjoy speeding into your rotations in the morning. It is harder to blame being late on the traffic. See, there are one or two benefits to this unfortunate pandemic!

Radiology Residency Changes- A New Way Of Life

It’s remarkable to see the myriad of radiology residency changes in our daily lives. Only four or five months ago, Covid-19 was barely an afterthought. Now, it encompasses our whole way of being. And radiology residency is affected just like everything else!