One of my mission statements is to be an excellent forum to dispel the myths and false expectations about radiology and radiology residency. So, I’ve done a post on the top myths about personal statements (Radiology Personal Statement Mythbusters: Five Common Misconceptions About Radiologists). And, I’ve written about the unexpected traits of great radiologists (Top Traits Of Great Radiologists (They Might Not Be What You Expect) ). But, I have not yet written about what is real versus myth for radiologist residents. And, yes, there are lots of false information out there!
So, one by one, I will take each bit of rumor and conjecture you might have heard bandied about the internet below. Then, I will dismiss the fake truth about radiology residency that you may listen to from your classmates and colleagues. Beware the false information that you may see posted on forums, social media, and other websites. Here are some of the more common statements you may hear from your fellow students, and medical colleagues about radiology residency that are not the truth!
You Don’t Need Good Communication Skills To Become A Radiology Resident!
Have you ever heard of a successful radiology resident that cannot communicate with her colleagues? Among all the reports, conferences, and all physician interactions, the only successful residents are those that can speak and write in a manner that others can understand. Moreover, I have never seen a halfway decent radiology resident that can’t give an interdisciplinary conference or handle a team of ornery surgeons at nighttime. You cannot just pump out ill-conceived reports in the dark sitting at a computer. It just doesn’t work that way!
It’s A Cush Residency Compared To Others
Talk to most any resident at nighttime. And, she will tell you the hardest working resident in the hospital is the radiology resident. Regularly, they are bombarded with orders, phone calls, demands for reports, and diagnoses at any moment without a refrain. Do they get a wink of sleep? You have a much better shot at some rest as a surgeon or internal medicine resident between cases!
You Can Get Away With Reading Like You Did In Your Subinternship And Internship
Total BS! I don’t care what they might say about on that radiology forum that you have read. Never, and I mean NEVER, have I seen a resident that can perform well without putting in the time to read. It’s just not possible. We are covering almost every single specialty of radiology. And, yes, that even includes psychiatry and dermatology (on occasion)!
All The Residents Will Be Nerd Techies
Radiology attracts all types. I’ve seen men and women come through who have been “fashionistas.” I have also seen the more techie/nerdish sorts. And I have seen all kinds in between. A stereotype like this does not do justice to the wide variety of personalities that enter our fold. Just stop by most any residency program and see for yourself!
We Hedge More Than Everyone Else
Medicine is not physics. There are so many variables in medicine that no one in any particular specialty can be one hundred percent sure of the future. Radiologists, like any other specialist, operate in this same environment. And, if you talk to almost any excellent physician in any specialty, they are aware of this fact. And, they hedge just as much. Check it out for yourself. Go into the medical records and charts, and look at all the notes from all sorts of specialists. You will see the same!
It’s The Best Way To Get Away From People
Well, it depends on which people!. Indeed, you will have less patient contact if you are working on some outpatient imaging rotations. But, you will not get away without speaking to other nurses, technologists, and other physicians. That is part of our job description! We talk to these folks every day.
It’s Impossible To Get In If You Are A Foreign Resident
Yes, it is a bit more challenging to get into radiology if you are coming from outside the United States. But, certainly not impossible. About a little less than a third of radiology residents graduate from outside the country. (From the NRMP) That’s a decent number of residents!
Radiology Resident Myths Versus Reality
We exist in an environment where it is effortless to propagate untruths and fake data. In a world of inaccurate information, I aim to provide you a bit of the truth in the world of radiology residency from a reliable inside source. So, don’t just take the information about radiology residents at face value. At radsresident.com, you can discover facts about radiology residency like these, which is the reality rather than myths!