Question About The H1B Issue:
Hello Dr. Barry Julius,
I am an M3 Osteopathic Medicine student. My interest in diagnostic radiology has drastically grown since I had the opportunity to shadow a few doctors. I was hoping to get your perspective on my situation.
– STEP1 score 244
– Research (5 publications with one first author. 3/5 were before Medical school)
– STEP 2 (have not taken yet)
Regarding diagnostic radiology, I can only apply to 30 institutions that offer H1B and accept DO students. Do you think that this number is optimal? Is it frowned upon to apply to another specialty as a back up since I have limited opportunities?
I greatly value your thoughts and opinion,
Canadian Osteopath
It’s not a question of what is optimal. More is better for a foreign grad. Unfortunately, most institutions will not look at H1B/DO candidates because each institution that sponsors an H1B candidate will have to undergo significant effort and expense. In the past, Saint Barnabas has opted not to take such candidates for that reason. The one exception was a candidate already accepted to another program within the system. However, Saint Barnabas usually avoids this situation. I think that the same situation applies to most other residencies as well. So, you will need to take what you can get and apply to those places that are willing to take on your situation.
When it comes to your credentials, they are excellent and sufficient for getting into radiology residency programs, But, it’s hard to say how everything will play out because of your H1B issue. Most residencies will choose other candidates first just because of the hardships of sponsoring an H1B. But, you never know and it is indeed still worth applying.
In terms of other programs, you should certainly go ahead and apply for the backups if this is what you want to choose. As I mentioned in another recent ask the residency post, you can easily rank multiple different residencies by tying the prelim and the advanced years together and classifying them as one entity in the system. I think that most residency programs will recognize that you need to rank other backup programs as well. But, make sure to let them know that you are interested in the field regardless of whether it is a backup or not.
Hope that helps a bit,