You wake up to go to work. Maybe, you grind through what seems like a hundred films with your attending. And then, you arrive home exhausted, only to start reading books and case reviews. The work of a radiology resident never ends. So, how do residents find the inspiration to get through the day, study for the core exam, and get through the entire residency? And, what can residents do to have a fulfilling four years? Unfortunately, very few radiologists have the time to consider the resident’s plight. But I plan to tackle these issues today. Think of this post as chicken soup for the radiology resident, concepts one needs to tough things out for four brutal years.
Yes, You Will Save Some Lives
Never forget this fact. Imaging saves lives. And who interprets the images? You! So, get yourself right out of that funk. And, remember, we are not financiers, accountants, or lawyers. We directly prevent significant injuries and death!
Have A Hobby/Life Outside Of Residency
As much as you may love radiology, actively seeking other interests is just as important. I don’t care if it is swimming, stamps, reading, or traveling. Having a hobby enables you to return to work fresh and ready for the next day. Sometimes, studying and working improve when you have an unencumbered mind with the same old studying routine. Studies have shown that creativity and productivity also improve when you pursue activities outside your main interests. Why not let that be you? (1)
Sometimes It’s Not Just About The Work; It’s About You!
Inspiration does not only come from your patients and your films. Instead, feeling inspired stems from your moods and wants. To take care of others, you must also take care of yourself. So, remember… You have a responsibility to yourself to cater to yourself at times. Take a little time to yourself when things become tough studying. Or, if you lose focus during the day, sometimes you need to step away for a few moments. To regain your concentration, you need to refresh yourself!
Maintaining Health
It sounds strange that maintaining health can inspire you to become a great radiologist, right? Well, if you do not eat well, exercise, and sleep, it becomes much more likely for a resident to burn out before finishing residency! So, make sure to treat your body right!
Learning From Mistakes Can Be Inspiring
Mistakes are depressing and ugly, correct? If you continue to think that way, you should not become a radiologist. Expect mistakes. It’s part of the risk profile of our job (Although attorneys would think otherwise!). One study reported a significant error rate that ranges between 2 and 20% of all radiologist reports. (Br J Radiol. 2001 Oct;74(886):949-51.)
So, we need to become inspired to do better. How do we do that? Well, think of each mistake you or others make as an opportunity to prevent significant errors from happening again. If we want to get closer to perfection, we must inspire ourselves to learn from these mistakes, knowing we will not miss that finding or commit that knowledge error again!
Appreciate What You Have Accomplished
Think about the goals you have met to become a radiologist. You have completed college, medical school, and an internship. And remember all those tests that you have aced and passed to get to this point. This successful journey is a real accomplishment! Be proud of what you have achieved. You are not an average Joe. Instead, you have done what many folks can only dream about. And, if you have already gotten this far, imagine how far you can go… If that doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!
Think About The End Goal
Inspiration often does not come from what you are doing right now. Many times, it comes from dreaming about what will be. So, it’s not about repeatedly reading that same paragraph to remember or understand a single concept. Instead, it is about how this pertains to the final goal of becoming a great radiologist. Therefore, don’t get stuck in the minutia. It’s about the big picture!
Education As Fun
Education is about the journey, not the destination. That is because we never really arrive. There is always more to learn and see. And what can be more exciting than discovering new ideas and concepts and applying them to the practical world? As radiologists, that is what we do! So, take each pillar and block of knowledge to form new and exciting structures. This process involves taking new ideas to create research projects or looking at studies in a different way that no one has thought about before. You are only limited by your imagination!
Final Thoughts About Finding Inspiration
Inspiration is what makes us tick. It gives us the passion for completing our dreams and going one step further. However, it does not come from the daily grind. Instead, it comes from our beliefs, hopes, dreams, and goals. So, appreciate what you have accomplished, think about what you do daily (and yes, that includes saving lives!), and remember your goals for the future. It’s all pretty amazing. That should be inspiration enough!
(1) http://www.cofcogroup.com/want-more-productivity-get-a-hobby/