Most radiology attendings want their residents to succeed. However, etiquette rules cause many to withhold their feedback about some of the resident issues that they encounter on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Unfortunately, for that reason, they keep many of you in the dark. However, please learn from their mistakes and enlighten you all. So, to prevent you from continuing with these resident issues, I thought I would create a top 10 list that the faculty wants you to know but may not say… Here we go!!!
You’re Too Aggressive
Are you overcalling everything or coming down hard on a final diagnosis without any other differential? Are you accustomed to the surgical mentality? No longer can you just nod in agreement, but you push, push, push? Everything is an argument. And, your attending does not have the time to talk back. Gosh darn it, perhaps you are more aggressive than you should be at this stage of the game!
He Misses Everything
When your attending sees that you are missing all the findings during the night, he may not feel so great telling you about all these errors. How will that help anything? And I mean, he doesn’t want you to feel bad about it when he tells you, does he? Unfortunately, you may miss out on some of these learning experiences. But, your attending may not let you know!
She Has Poor Hygiene
Poor hygiene can be just plain embarrassing. But, sometimes, your faculty may become very uncomfortable dealing with malodors or unkempt appearance. It often needs to be said to the resident but doesn’t. And, all the other faculty and residents suffer from this resident’s poor hygiene!
You Just Don’t Listen
The attending keeps on telling the same resident the same old thing. But, time after time, nothing changes. No longer can the attending tell you what to do anymore because it does not seem to work? So, your attending does not bother you anymore. What’s the point of hurting your feelings?
He’s Way Too Enthusiastic
Don’t get me wrong, but it is great to be enthusiastic. And, your attending certainly does want you to become excited about radiology. But, too much of anything is no good. And sometimes too much enthusiasm can be a bit too much. It can wear on your techs, nurses, and attendings. So, temper that enthusiasm just a bit!
You’re Just Plain Dumb
Often, your attending will ask you questions to see if you have been reading enough. And it is OK to get some things wrong. However, on occasion, a resident does not know anything that he should. Is your attending going to tell you that, maybe or maybe not? Who wants to say to the resident that she is just plain dumb?
She’s Getting A Bit Too Chummy For My Liking
On occasion, our residents can become a little too familiar with us if you catch my drift. It can all be a little too “touchy-feely.” So, think about how you communicate with your attending. Is it appropriate? Or are you trying too hard to become his best friend?
He Wants Always To Be Spoon Fed
Most residents want to learn from their attendings. Some residents expect all the learning to come from their attendings with no work on their part. If you desire to breed ill-will, you can do just that. Don’t help out your attending. Instead, just expect them to teach. It can be very irritating!
You’re Always Abandoning Ship When The Work Is Not Done
Excuses, excuses, excuses… You have to get to a wedding. Or, maybe you need to go on a date with that new beau. Well, your attending does not want to be the one to break it to you. He does not want to be the unfeeling guy that ruins the resident’s time. But, is it right that you are always missing all that work?
He’s Preventing Me From Getting Anything Done
Some residents like to talk a lot. And, most attendings like a good conversation as well. But, sometimes, it can interfere with the daily work that needs to get completed. How can your attending break it to you when she likes you a lot. Well, it can be challenging at times!
Final Thoughts About Resident Issues That Faculty Want You To Know But Can’t Say
Rightfully or wrongfully so, many taboos exist that prevent faculty from telling you, the radiology resident, what is going on. And even though attendings are supposed to evaluate and give direct constructive criticism and feedback, that is not the reality of the situation. So, if you think that you may have one of these ten resident issues listed above, try to change it on your own because you may never get the real story!