We hear many catchy slogans for fast food restaurants on television. Although not so healthy for our waistlines, these restaurants’ advertisements motivate millions to go there in droves and bring in billions of dollars each year. So, if these slogans can stimulate so many customers to buy their food, these same slogans may drive radiology residents to improve. For that reason, I have decided to take it one step further. What can we learn from these slogans that we can apply to radiology residents? Well, I am here: to make connections where you think none have ever existed! So, let us go through some ten famous fast food slogans and see how we can apply them to our daily work!
Your Way, Right Away (Burger King)
I think this one is self-explanatory for most of you already in or have completed radiology residency. But, we live in a world where the demands for immediate readings of imaging studies have become intense. So, I think it is fair to say we live at the mercy of the ordering clinicians. And it always seems to be your way right away!
Sometimes You’ve Got To Break The Rules (Burger King)
As radiology residents, we can’t always follow the rule books. And for that reason, we need to tweak protocols and situations for individual patients to ensure they get the proper test. And Burger King has known this fact for years. Therefore, maybe we should follow their advice as well. Burger King, once again, you are wise!
You Deserve A Break Today (McDonald’s)
Radiology residency can lead to severe studying and hard work every time we are on call or every day we work. But, as McDonald’s says, sometimes, you need a break. Maybe, you go on vacation or get lucky as the electricity turns off all the equipment in the middle of the night. Or perhaps, you work on a lovely snow day preventing anyone from arriving at the hospital. Sometimes, we need a break from the difficult work of radiology residency.
I’m Lovin’ It (McDonald’s)
We often don’t appreciate where we are and how we arrived here. Well, we need to sit back and smell the roses. We have picked a great profession with multiple exciting challenges and a decent income. McDonald’s once again has it right. Sometimes, we need to say I’m Loving It!
Where’s The Beef? (Wendy’s)
When we perseverate about our cases, we should heed Wendy’s slogan. What should we focus on in these situations instead of worrying about all the extraneous information? We should concentrate on the matter’s meat (or “the beef”). So, I take Wendy’s slogan to heart. Whenever we look at a case, do what Wendy’s would do. Make sure to think about “Where’s The Beef?”
Makin’ It Great Again And Again (Pizza Hut)
We cannot be great just once. If we make a fantastic call and miss many others, our patients will sue us often. So, we need to be on our best game, not just once but repeatedly. Thanks, Pizza Hut, for allowing us to remember!
Little place, BIG TASTE (Checkers)
On any given day, you may think about our role in the scheme of things as little as you understand your place as a radiology resident. But, when you miss something, the impact can become great. Therefore, although you feel like you play a small role in the clinical world, in reality, you leave a large footprint behind you!
Think Outside The Bun (Taco Bell)
Taco Bell has it right. We can’t always emulate our fellow clinicians, who sometimes merely use a checklist to ensure they have worked up the patient appropriately. Instead, we have to think about our patients differently to give them the most appropriate care. Who knew that Taco Bell was such an excellent example for radiology residents?
Eat Fresh (Subway)
When we come into work, we owe it to ourselves and our patients to work as efficiently as possible. Well, how do we get to that point? On that point, Subway recommends we “eat fresh.” And I can’t agree more. We have to ensure that we provide our bodies with the nutrients that we need to use our brains and get as much sleep so that we can be “fresh” for the next day. Good point, Subway!
We Don’t Make It Until You Order It (Jack In The Box)
Now, this one is crucial. Clinicians, please. You can’t expect us to complete an imaging study for you unless you have ordered it first. Like Jack In The Box, we don’t perform the procedure until you call it. Don’t forget!
Fast Food Slogans And Radiology Residency
See, I bet you can’t believe how prescient these slogans are for the average radiology resident. These slogans send important messages to residents that they should take to heart. So, the next time you hear a fast food restaurant slogan, instead of thinking about running to the restaurant for some food and increasing the size of your waistline, think about how it can make you into a better radiology resident!