Today you are in for a treat. Our first-year residents at Saint Barnabas have all passed my homemade Precall Quiz with flying colors. So I was thinking why not publish the same 10 cases with images/videos below so you can test yourselves? (Don’t forget to look at the links to the videos for questions 2,3,5,6,8, and 10 that are either after the images or are on their own!) I also gave each resident up to 5 minutes to come up with a final diagnosis and they had to get at least 80% correct to pass. Can you do the same? Check out the answers at the bottom of this page to see h0w you did. If you pass, you are ready to take call!!! Let’s begin!!!

1. Free air and air tracking adjacent to the ascending colon.
2. Acute appendicitis
3. Type A Aortic Dissection- Call Vascular Surgery!!!
4. T10-11 Disc Herniation with acute cord compression and possible early cord edema.
5. Normal/ nonspecific mesenteric subcentimeter nodes- ? mesenteric adenitis
6. Right-sided UVJ stone with right-sided hydroureter and hydronephrosis.
7. Left MCA distribution acute infarct with MCA thrombus. Evolving right frontal infarct.
8. Bilateral pulmonary emboli and right pleural effusion/air space disease
9. Probable old trochanteric avulsion fracture- Key point- it is chronic (lesson- look at priors!!!)
10. Proximal sigmoid mass, probably subserosal with findings suggestive of large bowel obstruction. Additional mesenteric adenopathy.
Could you please provide answers for all the cases?
Initially, I was going to have people sign up for my newsletter for the answers, but since it seems for now the signup process has not been working right and it is not fair to leave everyone hanging, I will provide the answers in this comment reply!!!
Answers from Wednesday’s Saint Barnabas Precall Quiz:
1. Free air and air tracking adjacent to the ascending colon.
2. Acute appendicitis
3. Type A Aortic Dissection- Call Vascular Surgery!!!
4. T10-11 Disc Herniation with acute cord compression and possible early cord edema.
5. Normal/ nonspecific mesenteric subcentimeter nodes- ? mesenteric adenitis
6. Right sided UVJ stone with right sided hydroureter and hydronephrosis.
7. Left MCA distribution acute infarct with MCA thrombus. Evolving right frontal infarct.
8. Bilateral pulmonary emboli and right pleural effusion/air space disease
9. Probable old trochanteric avulsion fracture- Key point- it is chronic (lesson- look at priors!!!)
10. Proximal sigmoid mass, probably subserosal with findings suggestive of large bowel obstruction. Additional mesenteric adenopathy.