One question that often arises is: what material should I study since there is so much information to learn? But I think a more appropriate question may be: how can I get the most bang for my buck when there are so many reading materials out there? In this post, I will address this issue by talking about when you should be reading textbooks and when you should emphasize case reviews since both play a role in getting up to speed during radiology residency or learning about a new area of interest as an attending. (This is our death match!!!)
Why Textbooks?
Sometimes you lack any understanding of a modality when you begin a residency program, are starting a new rotation, or are attempting to learn a new modality such as MRI, perhaps not covered in your residency. For instance, when they begin, most radiology residents have no clue about ultrasound: how it works, and the images the technologist takes. Therefore, starting to read a case series on ultrasound may not be helpful when beginning.
Instead, a general introductory textbook such as Ultrasound: The Requisites makes more sense at this point to understand the basic principles of ultrasound and the key images that need to be taken and interpreted during a renal ultrasound, Ob/Gynecology ultrasound, etc. Another example would be reading CT scans of the chest. Most residents, when they start, do not have a search pattern for reading chest CT scans. Nor do they know their CT chest anatomy well. An introductory textbook on chest CT scans, such as Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax by Webb, would be appropriate before reading a case series.
In addition, good textbooks usually better outline the fundamental knowledge needed to interpret images better than a case review series can. Textbooks are better organized by topics, whereas case review series tend to be more haphazard. For example, it may be more direct and efficient to learn the fundamentals of determining whether an intracranial mass is intra-axial or extra-axial once in a textbook than reading 10 case series on the topic and trying to figure the same approach out.
How To Read Textbooks
When you read a textbook, you should emphasize the images, read the captions, and then read the text to get the most out. Reading in this manner reinforces the information that you need to know better than starting from the text first. This process differs vastly from reading a medical school general medicine textbook, where the text is usually more important than the images. You are now a radiology resident, so you have to think differently!
Why Case Review Series?
In our field, we solely exist because we are image interpreters. So, it makes sense to learn those images and what they mean. What better means to reinforce and understand radiology than with a case series? But, this assumes that the reader has some background knowledge on the topic and can understand the basic principles/fundamentals/meanings behind the images in the case review series.
In addition, case review series tend to have more of a “real word bent.” The images we read daily tend not to follow in an orderly manner by topic. Usually, an almost random distribution of cases comes through our departments. Going through a case review series is usually more similar to going through many images in no particular order.
How To Approach Case Review Series
It would help to start the case review series as soon as you have the fundamental knowledge to understand the modality, anatomy, and primary disease processes on imaging. On each initial rotation, you should aim to start reading at least one case review type of book after you have learned the fundamentals from lectures and textbooks. Do not wait too long to get started, however. Going through the case review series will be more helpful and applicable than most textbooks when you read out cases with attendings and when taking cases at noon conferences. But remember- it often does not summarize the fundamentals of a given subject as well as a textbook.
The Moral Of The Death Match
Both textbooks and case review series are at the beginning resident’s learning armamentarium. Be wary of someone that tells you that you can get through residency by just reading textbooks or case reviews by themselves. Each has its place, and you should use the correct one depending on your level and knowledge base. Now become great radiologists: go forth and read!!!